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It was the first day of summer vacation when Lydia Sucoma met Klaus Mikaelson.

She woke up feeling gloriously weightless and free. She was officially out of high school. The thought of never going back to the miserable hell hole that was the public school system was freeing and gratifying.

"Lydia, come on, we're leaving in fifteen," her mom called from downstairs. Right, not only was she out of high school, but she was going to be spending the entire summer in the world's most beautiful city- New Orleans.

After the ten hour car ride in the miserable heat of the South, the Sucomas were officially in New Orleans. They had found their way to the condos they would be staying at. Some how, some way, Lydia got her own. Her parents said something about her being eighteen and how she needed to get used to living on her own before college or something along those lines. No matter the reason, she was extremely excited to be living by herself for the entirety of the summer.

Shortly after unpacking her things, Lydia showered and got dressed. She threw on some black skinny jeans and a silky white tank top that her grandma got her for Christmas. Lydia slipped on a light black leather jacket and a pair of booties the same color as her jacket before leaving her condo and making her way to the New Orleans Museum of Art- a place she's been desperately excited to visit ever since she found out she was spending her summer here.

Lydia had a love for art, although she was never any good at it herself. It was something she greatly appreciated. Not just visual arts, but performing arts as well- acting, singing, dancing... you name it, Lydia liked it.

She studied a painting from the Renaissance by an artist who went by the initials K.M.

"This is by far one of my favorite paintings here," a voice from behind her said. She turned around to
come face to face with a man standing with his hands behind his back. "The artist and I share the same initials." The man said. Lydia noticed he had an accent. "KM. I wonder what his name was." He wondered out loud, a smirk on his lips. "Mine's Klaus." He was tall and skinny with dirty blonde hair that fell in slight curls in a mess on top of his head. He had a round nose and green eyes... or were they brown? Lydia couldn't tell.

"What does the 'M' stand for?" She asked.

"Mikaelson," The man- Klaus- said, walking over to stand beside Lydia. "What's your name, love?"

"Lydia." She answered.

"Ah," He smiled. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Lydia couldn't help but blush furiously at this. Back in high school, she was only flirted with once and, as it turns out, it was on a dare.

"Would you care to come get a drink with me?" He asked, smiling at the girl.

She nervously tugged at the sleeve of her jacket, contemplating her options rapidly in her head. On one hand, she had just met the man. On the other hand, she was in New Orleans, feeling whimsical as ever and it didn't hurt that he was fairly attractive. "How do I know you're not a mass murderer?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Klaus chuckled at this. "What would a mass murderer be doing an art museum?"

"I don't know," Lydia said defensively. "It could be part of your motive. You know pick girls up at a museum. You flirt a little and then ask them to go out for drinks." She placed her hands on her hips. "And, since you're attractive, seem to know a bit about art, and let's face it that accent alone is enough to make any girl swoon-" Klaus smiled at the ground, finding amusement in the girl "-they say yes, thinking 'What's the harm?' Then, after you've gotten them drunk enough, you kill them and dump their bodies in the quarry." Klaus smiled at the girl and after a moment her mouth dropped open in horror at herself. She was surprised she just said all that. "I'm sorry, I just watch too much Criminal Minds and I ramble too much. I-"

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