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The summer before 5th year Harry Potter and the Dursley's went to France for the summer, that's where he met Ophelia Blanchard. Harry and Ophelia met in a coffee shop, Ophelia was there to get a go to chocolate filled croissant while Harry was there because the Dursley's didn't want to be around him.

It was a Tuesday morning and Ophelia was getting her regular dish, a chocolate filled croissant when a raven haired, green eyed boy came.

"Bonjour qu'est-ce que tu aimerais aujourd'hui?" the waiter asked


"He is asking what would you like today, in my opinion you should get the croissant it's my go to thing."

End of flashback***

They spent the whole summer together after that day, they did everything, ride bikes, visit tourist attractions, and eat in French bakeries. They overall had a great time around each other, for Ophelia made Harry her amazing summer breaks even better and for Harry Ophelia made his always terrible summer breaks amazing.

When the time came to leave none of them mentioned writing to each other because they thought it would be difficult for one another. Harry and Ophelia are both wizards but none of them know about the other. Harry couldn't think of a way to contact her without using and owl and Ophelia didn't know how to contact him without an owl either. So they friendship they made during the summer wouldn't last, that's what they thought....


since this is a au this storyline doesn't match with the movies/books
It's just Harry living a regular hogwarts life, which means Voldemort doesn't come back, after he killed lily and James he never came back.

Also the reason Harry lives with the Dursley's and not Sirius is because of dumblewhores orders, Sirius is also the astronomy teacher and Remus will be the DADA teacher, so that will be fun😜😃

don't forget to vote!!

That's all

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