Minnie's Mistakes (Or not)

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It was August 1st, there was 1 months left of summer left and all Ophelia had been doing is be with her friends. She knows she won't see them again because after 7th year she plans on moving to Britain officially, she feels a connection to it and she can't leave it again.

It was night of August first and Ophelia just came back from the mall with her friend Pixie, she was tired and ready to take a shower and head to bed when an owl came by her window. She got the owl and when she grabbed the letter she saw it was from Hogwarts.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god."

She was also nervous for this letter because she didn't know if she would get it, but why did she ever doubt hogwarts, she doesn't know.

When she opened the letter she read through it to see everything she needed, but when she went to put the letter away a pin drop on the floor, when Ophelia picked up the pin she a "HEAD GIRL" badge in her hand


Ophelia doesn't actually know how she got this because she was 100% sure that hermione would get it, she is incredibly smart and tries her hardest in all subject, and succeeds, While she does alright, sometimes fails, and does a bunch of pranks. The only positive she has is that she has a better relationship with minnie that hermione, but why did minnie do this, she doesn't know. But minnie always has something up her sleeve.

Dear Hermione, 

Hello How have you been, i was wondering if you did anything bad last year that made minnie want to give me the head girl badge? Like we all know you're the smartest girl at hogwarts. Maybe you and ron got caught in the lingo. . .  IDK don't acted shocked. Well anyways i'll see you at school!



It was August first, and at the burrow today they were going to play quidditch. They played quidditch for the whole day and when they went inside molly announced their hogwarts letters came in the mail. He was excited because this would be his last year and there was a big chance he might be quidditch captain. Maybe he also wanted to see ophelia.

When harry opened his letter he read through the materials they needed so he would know what to buy when they go to diagon alley, after he read the note he went to see if he saw a red captain pin in the letter but instead of just seeing that he also saw another pin.

He first got the captain pin, he couldn't control his excitement 


"Congrats mate" said ron as he hugged an over excited harry

"Hey what's that other badge" said ron pointing at the other pin in the letter

When harry picked up the pin he saw a "HEAD BOY" pin in his hands.


"I don't know mate, at least you'll be with hermione, we could all hang out there."

"How do you know that hermione got the badge?" asked ron

"c'mon now ron, it's hermione who would get the badge other than her?"

Ron didn't want to give harry's hopes up but he thought of ophelia, he didn't know another reason harry would get the head boy badge other than a matching game. Because everyone knows Neville deserved that badge, but he didn't say anything.

"Let's owl her, and invite hermione over" ron said

"You don't have to dear she's already coming in an hour, i owled her" Molly shouted

"Ok thanks mum!" ron shouted

They waited for an hour for hermione, ron really wanted to know if his theory was right, ron doesn't really catch up on things but this was different, this was minnie GIVING HARRY they head boy badge.

The fireplace lit up and hermione came out of it. 

"Hey hermione!" harry said and hugged her

"Hi harry!"

"Hi ron!" he said and pecked him on the lips

"hey" he smiled

"Hey. stop. the. pda. i'm. single." groaned harry

"Not for long" said hermione and smirked

What they didn't know and hermione had been suspecting is that she wasn't headgirl, but she was actually happy. Because there was no way ron would get head boy, and she didn't want to share the dorm with one other person. She also got happier when she received the letter from ophelia because the head girl space wasn't wasted. After reading ophelia's letter hermione imediately knew harry was head boy, minnie always has a plan.

"So anyone here head boy?"

"Surprisingly i am" said harry

Hermione imediately smirked and whispered her correct theory to ron, ron also smirked

"What are you smirking about?" asked harry 

"Oh just how i'm going fu-" hermione covered ron's mouth and her cheecks reddened 

"ew. i need to stop being a third wheel" harry said and left the room

"Do you think harry forgot about ophelia?" hermione asked ron

"To be honest i don't know, he hadn't talked about her at all since she left." Ron said

What ron said had been true, ever since Ophelia's departure Harry had not once talked about ophelia and when someone did talk about ophelia he cut the conversation short. What they didn't know was that they reason Harry doesn't like talking about her is because when someone does he wants to cry, he hadn't seen her in a long while, and that 5th year had been the best year of his life. He didn't know it was because of ophelia until she left and he felt the pain of her missing. So he doesn't talk about her. It's better for him to do that so he wouldn't cry. He was also said that he didn't tell her that he liked maybe even loved her, he doesn't know until her experiences it, but he wanted to try a relationship with her, maybe she would've stayed if he confessed before, but that would've been selfish.

 Another thing that he probably wouldn't confess is how many times he thought of kissing her lips, he had thought of kissing ophelia's soft, pink lips so many times that one time had thought it had been real. The first real smile he had on that year was when he thought of kissing ophelia.

It's safe to say he was excited to see her.

He also made it his mission for this year to ask her out.

And the amazing Minerva McGonagall knew how to help, harry just needed to do the last step and everything will come into place.



sorry for not updating in a week i had exams


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