Great hall Confession

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It's been two weeks since Ophelia and Harry had a proper conversation, Harry had been avoiding Ophelia ever since the day she had told them she's friends with Draco. Some people seem to catch on to what happening but then there's oblivious people like Ophelia and Ron who just think "he's in a mood" anyways Ophelia made no effort to talk to him because in her words "i make effort for no one if i had nothing to do with it"

Since harry had been avoiding her it also meant that she couldn't spend as much time with hermione, ron, ginny, and dean considering those were harry's friends that he spends most of his time with,. So she usually spends her time with luna, neville, theo, and blaise, she would sometimes spend some time with cho but she's usually with cedric and that'd be awkward thid wheeling.

She also made some new friends Maritza from ravenclaw, Stefan and Aileen from slytherin, and Nate from hufflepuff. They'd been sitting together at lunch each day at a different table except gryffindor, considering harry's staring gets her annoyed.

She also spend a good chunk of her time in the slytherin common room, turns out most of the slytherins just put up a front in the halls, but in their common room it goes down, even pansy, but her "leechiness" to draco doesn't. All the slytherins like Ophelia even if she is a gryffindor, the only one who doesn't seem to like her is pansy since her and draco do spend a lot of time together, but pansy doesn't make fun of her.

In tea time when Ophelia told Remus, Sirius, and Minnie about harry they all smirked and sipped their tea, Sirius would definitely tease harry and knock sense into him, Remus would follow along and minnie would just let the whole thing play out hoping ophelia and harry get together since her and albus made a bet.


It was now the beggining of december and the progress of Harry and Ophelia has not increase a bit Harry seemed to put a front and say he's fine, but he really isn't but he doesn't know why. Ginny, Hermione, and Ron are missing ophelia considering the last time they talked was two weeks ago, as for Ophelia, she's doing perfectly fine. She made new friends and grew closer with her old ones, even some of her friends from before have distanced themselves, she feels fine. She won't mope for no one.

It was morning December 9th, Ophelia was walking to breakfast with Nate, Aileen, Maritza and Stefan, today they were sitting in the slytherin tables meaning today she would also talk to draco, theo, and blaise.

They all sat in the slytherin tables and started chatting

"I'm excited for astronomy today, we will be doing a project" Aileen said grabbing a muffin

"A, we better work together, with our astronomy powers, we will get O's"

"You betcha" Aileen high-fived Ophelia


Harry was staring at Ophelia from the gryffindor table she was laughing at something a hufflepuff said, (nate) he had been like this since their fight.

"Harry, Earth to Harryy!" Ginny said waving her hand in front of harry's face

"You should stop looking at her mate" Ron said taking a bite from his pancake

"But she's friends with malfoy, malfoy of all people!"

"It's not your choice who she's friends with harry"

"If she wasn't friends with malfoy i would talk to her"

"Harry, mate, your the one moping about ophelia, ophelia on the other hand is perfectly fine. You shouldn't worry about who she's friends with and be happy she was at least your friend." Hermione said

"And Draco's getting better, he only bullies you because you said things to Ophelia, but he actually apologized to me." Ginny said

"apologized" harry said, his eyes widening

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