Astronomy Class

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It was the beginning of november and their hadn't been a single astronomy class, but now late at night on November 4th Ophelia's first astronomy class was in session.

"Hello everyone i'm Professor Black, sorry for not being here for 2 months i went to france, i was on my anniversary vacation."

Sirius started talking with the students, he decided it would be a free day and that he would start teaching next class, sirius knew his godson was in this class, so it seemed weird he wasn't talking yet. He looked around the room and saw Harry talking with ophelia, not that he knew who ophelia was but a smirk grew on his face.

Sirius told the students to quiet down, he wanted to know what harry and ophelia were talking about.

"Harry c'mon this is literally the best idea i've ever had!"

"Phelia, sorry to disappoint, but its the wort idea you've ever had."

" Harry i'm telling you, your wrong. If we become animaguses, hopefully house pets like i'm a dog and your a cat, we could enter pet shows Y'know the ones that they win a lot of money, we enter and we win, we would be the richest people ever!"

"Phelia are you hear- wait why am i the cat!"

"Because im a sweet dog, like a beagle, your a petty grumpy cat. Unless you want to be a petty chihuahua, then by all mean become one."

" har, if you ever became a dog would you be sexually attracted to them?"

"what?" harry said laughing

"Well male dogs get very horney they will mate with any female dog, so if you became a dog, would you fuck a dog?"

"phelia what is-"

"If you were an animagus dog and you got a dog pregnant would the babies be dogs, humans, or would they be mutated?"


"har if you were a girl dog animagus and a dog assulted you, would it go to jail?"


"har if you were a female dog would you be straight or would you be lesbian because you like woman now?"

"har if you were a female dog-"

harry covered opehlia's mouth with his hands so she could shut up

"phelia, shut up. ew phelia why'd you like my hand?"

"because you covered my mouth."

suddenly harry and ophelia were aware that they were in astronomy class and when they turned to the front they saw all the students looking at them and sirius with a smirk but also at a loss of words because of what ophelia said, he could answer the questions, he was a dog animagus.



"You disrupted my class"

"it wasn't me it was phelia!"

"I was just asking reasonable questions harold!"

"did you just call me harold?"


"why that name out of every name that name!"

"why would you want me to call you harrykins" ophelia said while pinching his cheeks

"no" harry grumbled

"harry! and you are?"

"Ophelia, Ophelia Blanchard"

"your harry's girlfriend"

harry's cheeks tinged pink while ophelia's stayed perfectly normal

"No we all know he's dating moaning myrtle" Ophelia smirked

"I'm not dating moaning myrtle ophelia!"

"You could've fooled me har"

"Wait till i tell remus about this"

"Who's remus professor?"

"My husband"

"woah harry is this like a introduce me to the guardian thing, i'm flattered"

if it was possible harry's cheeks turned more pink

"Harry i hope moaning myrtle doesn't get jealous, i know that she's just your side chick and i'm the real deal but we know she gets a little possessive"

"I just want to make sure myrtles okay with this before it escalates"

"Ophelia you are always welcome in the homes of Remus Lupin and Sirius Lupin-Black"

"And as a thank you for your kind service your name would be a middle name for our first born."

"Oh my I can't thank you enough Mrs.Potter"

"Oh its my pleasure" Ophelia smirked


Harry and Ophelia were returning from astronomy class.

"Har you never told me your godfather was this cool"

"oh shut up"

"taking me with open arms, accepting the his name as the middle name of our first born, what a pleasure."

"That was embarrassing phelia"

"When the forces of Ophelia Blanchard and Sirius Lupin-Black join, we get teasing harry 24-7"

"We would name the first born James Sirius, considering that James is your dad and they were bestfriends."

"Not a bad name"

"I know, so when you actually do end up with someone har, make me godmother."

"Just out of spite i would make hermione godmother"

"Then I'll be second, y'know me and hermione as god parents will rule the world, since hermione will end up with ron, this is the next choice."

"And i would name my child Harmony, and i would make you godfather and hermione godmother."

"And why is that phelia?"

"Because Harmony is your name mixed with Hermione's, but spelt differently."

"I have the perfect name har"

"And what is that?"

"Harmony Everett Potter"


"Y'know harry i might have to take up on that offer because Harmony Everett Potter sounds amazing."

"You are actually good at baby names phelia, i might just have to marry you, our children will have the best names."

"They would, because without me you would probably name your child something horrible like... like Albus Severus Potter."

" Well i'll just have to marry you then, Ophelia Potter"

"Well harold we cannot have these cute baby names until i see a ring pop on my left finger."

Harry accioed a ring pop

"Well i guess why have to do it the correct way"

harry unwrapped the ring pop

"Ophelia, you are a wonderful person, you create great baby names, have an obsession with asking dog animagus related questions, and love to tease me, would you do me the honors of being my wife so i can have cute baby names too?"

"Of course my darling harold! there is no world without you in it! ophelia signed dramatically as harry slipped the ring pop into ophelia's left ring finger finger.

Harry and Ophelia started laughing as they entered the common room, they departed ways. But what they didn't know was that Cho, Luna, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Dean, Neville, Seamus, and Cedric all heard the conversation because they we sitting near the common room doors.


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