Apologies and plans

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Harry went out of the great hall to go and apologize to Ophelia. Harry speed walked to the gryffindor common room hoping that she'd be there. When harry entered the common room he made his way to the 5th year girls dorms.

Harry knocked on the door hoping it wouldn't get slammed on his face, but he didn't know what to expect because he had been ignoring ophelia for a long while and ophelia made to effort to talk to him.

When the door opened he saw ophelia and behind her were hermione, ginny, and her friends, they were all starring at harry expectantly and ginny winked at him.

"Um phelia can i talk to you" harry started fiddling his fingers

"After all this time why talk to me now?" ophelia quirked a brow

"I was being stupid, please can we talk" harry pleaded

"Fine" ophelia turned back to face her friends 

"I'll see you guys later"

Ophelia closed her door, her and harry started walking to the astronomy tower. There was a uncomfortable silence on the way to the astronomy tower. When they arrived Ophelia went and sat on the thick rails of the astronomy tower.

"So what did you want to talk about?" ophelia asked

"Well as you know i've been ignoring you for a month" harry started 

"Like i haven't noticed" ophelia said sarcastically 

"And i shouldn't have ignored you, i was just mad that you are friends with malfoy but i shouldn't have been mad at you for it."


"I was a dick to you for no reason and i'm sorry for ignoring you, it was a stupid reason, i shouldn't have let that come between our friendship"

" I accept your apology, but next time you do something stupid like this for a minor and inexcusable reason, i won't be so forgiving."

Harry was elated, ophelia forgave him, even though he was being a stupid prick for a month. Harry went up to ophelia and hugged her supper tight. He missed talking to her.

"woah woah, that's a little tight"

harry chuckled "I'm sorry" he said as he let go

"ok well let's go back" ophelia said, she grabbed harry's arm and dragged him to the common room.

When harry and ophelia entered the common room everyone turned their way,  everyone meaning harry and ophelia's friends who heard the great hall extravaganza. They all turned to them hoping to get insight on what happened or what didn't.

"Hey everyone" Ophelia said, she sat next to aileen and harry sat next to her

"so what happened..." hermione started. (cho had told ginny, hermione, aileen, maritza, nate, and stefan about what happened at the great hall)

"what do you mean?" ophelia asked

"anything... new?" cedric said quirking his brow

Ophelia looked confused and Harry turned red, remembering what Cedric said in the great hall

"Oh me and harry? he apologized, we're friends again if that's what you mean by 'anything happened" 

everybody either groaned, rolled their eyes, or looked at harry with an 'are you kidding me look' the look being given by cedric, ginny, stefan, and ron 

"What's wrong?" ophelia asked being oblivious to what happened in the great hall

"It's not what happened it's what didn't happen" cedric said

"I'm confused"

"One day you'll know what it means, your wings will spread like a butterfly and your life will change" stefan said making a butterfly with his hands

"I still have no clue what you mean, whatever i'm going to tea time"

"NO" harry said afraid of what his godparents and transfiguration teacher will say

When harry said no ginny, cedric, and stefan, and hermione said "YES" knowing fully well their might be a chance something good could happen there.

"I'm going har whether you like it or not, i need new updates and i need to give them new updates."


Ophelia entered the transfiguration classroom for tea time when minnie, siri, and rem turned to her expectantly waiting to see if their was more news on harry.

"so anything new happen today?" Sirius asked 

"why does everybody keep on asking me that?" Ophelia said

"So nothing new happened?" Minerva said as she drank her tea

"Well me and harry are friends again, but that's it"

"Just friends?" Remus asked

"Yeah what else would we be?"


(When ophelia left the grffindor common room to go to tea time)

As soon as ophelia left cedric and ginny turned to him

"Why didn't you admit your feelings"

"Now the sexual tension is going to be thicker than a knife"

Harry's red face got even more red, the color of ron's hair

"Guys didn't she say she had a date? she doesn't like me like that and also shut up cedric" harry mumbled the last part

"that would be my doing" Stefan said as he raised his hand

everyone turned to him, wanting to know what he means by that

"Well, ophelia, maritza, nate, and i were eating in the great hall when i told her to somehow say that she had a date in front of harry, i knew harry liked her and i wanted a reaction."

"So she doesn't have a date?"

"Nope" stefan said

"Well i'll do it another time, i still don't think she likes me"

"Oph is a very preserved person, she knows how to hide emotions, but i know how to crack her." Cho said 

"We'll crack her together" ginny said as she high-fived cho

"Even if you don't grow a pair and ask her out" hermione started

"McGonagall will do something about it she's been playing match maker for a long time" maritza said, finishing hermione's sentence

suddenly fred and george came in

"try to crack oph-"

"well we can help you there"

fred and george said

"since when were you friends with oph" ginny said

"Since the first few days of school, she helps us with our pranks-"

" so we keep our friendship on the down-low so she doesn't get questioned by minnie"

"Ok then fred and george try to crack her and if that doesn't work we try cho and ginny"

"operation GOTC is starting" said nate

"What does GOTC mean?" asked harry

"Get Ophelia To Crack" answered hermione

harry's face reddened 


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