Unexpected News

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It was already june meaning that it was OWLS week. After christmas break the teachers gave 5th and 7th years nonstop homework considering 5th years take OWLS and 7th years take NEWTS. The months of January-May past very quickly and now Ophelia and the rest of 5th year are taking their OWLS.  Ophelia's schedule for the week was packed considering she had a OWL every day for that week.

Ophelia Blanchard's OWLS schedule:

Monday: Transfiguration 

Tuesday: Charms

Wednesday: Herbology

Thursday: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Friday: Potions

Saturday: Muggle Studies

Sunday: Astronomy

Most people never have their OWLS for a full week but people with the same schedule as Ophelia do.


It was Saturday and Ophelia's least favorite subject OWL had arrived. Ophelia is pretty good in class but for some reason she absolutely hates muggle studies That day she had that OWL with Cho and Maritza because no one else that she knew took muggle studies.

"I am absolutely ready to drop muggle studies next year, i don't want to hear professor binns voice ever again" ophelia groaned laying her head on Ginny's shoulder.

"I am relieved i don't have to take my owls yet, they look dreadful" Ginny said looking at hermione's tried state

"I just need astronomy and i'm done" Ophelia said. One of Ophelia's subjects that she excelled in was astronomy so she wasn't that worried about that owl. 

"There not that hard in my opinion" Hermione stated looking up from her book looking at Ginny and Ophelia

"It's because you're the smartest in our year" Ophelia said

Hermione kept silent, she knew Ophelia was right

Their conversation got cut short when Ron and Harry entered the common room looking tired.

"Why do you guys look so tired?" Ophelia asked

"We just finished our potions owls, i don't think i'll get to newt classes next year" Harry groaned as he sat next to Ophelia

"At this point i won't get any owls!" Ron exclaimed

"Don't say that Ron, i saw how hard you've worked this week!" Hermione said

Ron blushed 

"Why can't we all have a relationship like romione" Ophelia said looking at Ron and Hermione

Hermione Blushed, Ron turned the color of his hair

"You could have it, you're just dense" Ginny said

"I'm not dense!"

"If you weren't dense then you would be with specific person" Ginny said

"How am i supposed to know who this person is?"

"If you weren't dense you would know" Hermione said

"Not you to!" Ophelia groaned 

"What can i say you're very oblivious" Ron said

"Not you talking" Ophelia said

"I second that" Harry said

"Of course you would!" everyone said

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