First Day

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After harry and ophelia told ginny, hermione, and ron how they met they left dinner and went to their dorms. Ginny went to the 4th year girls dorms, harry and ron went to the 5th year boys dorms, hermione and ophelia went to the 5th year girl dorms.

"So this is the dorms, this is my bed, those two over there belong to Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil, and the bed next to mine must belong to you!."

"Thank you hermione, goodnight!"

The next day rolled around and hermione woke up ophelia for breakfast. Ophelia got ready and went downstairs to meet up with harry, ron, ginny, and hermione. Once they made it to the great hall ophelia excused herself so she could talk to Cho and Luna, considering she didn't say goodnight to them.

"Good morning Cho and Luna!"

"Good morning oph!"

Cho, Luna, and Ophelia spent some time talking, but ophelia decided to go to her table telling cho she will see her in class, and told luna she will see her later.

"Hey guys" Ophelia said as she sat next to hermione

"Hey" Ron and Harry said

"Hey oph, where were you?"

"I was just talking to cho and luna"

"You know them?" harry said, his cheeks turned red

"Yeah we met at the train yesterday, does someone have a crush on a certain black haired beauty?" ophelia said and smirked

"U-um n-no"

'You could've fooled me there har" Ophelia said sarcastically

"Whatever" harry mumbled

"Anyways, what are you're schedules?"

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ophelia spent the rest of the time at breakfast checking schedules. turns out they all have the same core classes but for electives she only had harry for astronomy and they rest of her electives without them.


After the day of classes ophelia was tired, but she couldn't go to sleep because she had homework, she wasn't that hungry so she decided to go to the library to start her homework. As she was doing her homework she felt the presence of someone in front of her she looked up and saw a blonde haired boy.

" hey beauxbatons transfer."

"hey bleachboy"

" I'll have you know that this is my natural hair."

"Whatever you say, what do you want anyways?"

"I don't know"

"You don't know?"

"Um yeah."

"Well, do you want to study with me?"


Ophelia and bleachboy spent the whole dinner time talking and studying.

"Well bleachboy it was nice studying with you, I'll see you around"

with that Ophelia left and bleachboy was left there without a name


When Ophelia returned to her common room she saw harry, hermione, and ron sitting doing homework.

"hey phelia where were you?" harry asked

"I wasn't hungry so i decided to go to library and study, i met this boy and he was nice."

"boy?" hermione asked

"yeah, i don't know his name though"

"why wouldn't you know his name?"

" well i never asked for it, i forgot it, it was a weird interaction."


"I know, anyways im going to go to sleep i'll see you guys tomorrow, goodnight"



Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter isn't long, but i had to introduce draco in some way. Just because in this book voldy isn't around doesn't mean draco will be nice. I also had to introduce harry's crush on cho, so i guess this is a semi-filler chapter.

ALSO, (sorry i keep on saying also) this book isn't slowburn, but it isn't going to be a love on first sight thing.

As you can tell Ophelia has other friends than the golden trio and will have more later in the story so she will be hanging with other people as well, as for harry we know that he is an introvert and doesn't really expand his friends other than hermione and ron, he does have others but he doesn't hang with them all the time, so their personalities contrast and might have some conflicts.

don't forget to vote!!

So yeah, that's all


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