Secrets Revealed

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The group had been working on operation on GOTC harry had decided to stay out of it because he was so sure ophelia didn't reciprocate his feelings, but the rest of the group hadn't given up yet especially cedric, cho, ginny, fred, and george, they are determined to crack ophelia and somehow get harry to man up and tell ophelia how he feels about her. Most of the reason that they want to help and act on operation GOTC is because they have someone and they want their bestfriends to have one to.

Cedric has Cho

Cho has Cedric

Fred has Aurora (a hufflepuff a in 6th year)

George has Angelina

and Ginny has Luna (they confessed their feelings but aren't out yet)


Ginny, Cho, Fred, George, and Cedric have made their plan

they would first use fred and george to try and get something out of her, if they can't then they use Cedric and cho and if she still hasn't cracked they will use ginny. They are sure that one of them will be able to crack her.


Ophelia was entering the common room when she got stopped by two red-heads.

"Hey oph" they said in at the same time

"Hey fred, george"

the three of them sat at the common room couch talking about anything when fred and george send each other looks knowing that there plan will start.

"so oph-"

"we want to know-"

"if anyone-"

"has caught your eye-"

"i don't like anyone" ophelia said looking directly at the fireplace

"are you sure about that"

"you don't look so sure"

"hmm i don't" ophelia said still not meeting their eye

"tell us now-"

"or we expose you candy stash to ron"

"you wouldn't" ophelia exclaimed




"fine i do like someone, happy?"

"who?" fred and george said at the same time

"you never said who so this conversation is done, by fred and george" ophelia walked off and went to her dorm


Fred and George told the news to Cho, Cedric, and Ginny. They were finally going somewhere with the plan.

but all plans have weaknesses, because after that cedric, cho, and ginny tried their plans but failed, they got nothing out of her, she wouldn't budge.

They knew better to force it out of her, so they decided they would let her come to them on her own.


Ophelia was heading down for breakfast, usually she's filled with energy but she spent the whole night watching "The Vampire Diaries"  so she didn't get any sleep.

When she sat down in the gryffindor table she didn't know who she was sitting next to or what was in front of her but once she sat down her head plopped on the table and fell asleep.

𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now