Hogwarts Express

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It was Ophelia Blanchard's first day at Hogwarts, she attended Beauxbatons from years 1-4 but for her 5th year her parents decided to transfer her to hogwarts mainly because her dad went there and he wanted her to experience hogwarts.

It's not that ophelia didn't want to go to hogwarts, but she had amazing friends at beauxbatons and she didn't want to let them go.

When ophelia arrived at kings cross she quickly said goodbye to her parents and crossed the wall. When she crossed the wall she ran into a very pretty girl, black hair and brown eyes.

"I'm so sorry i didn't see you there!"

"It's alright. Are you new I don't think I've seen you around?"

"Yeah, this is my first day, I'm in fifth year but i transferred from beauxbatons."

"Cool! I'm Cho Chang by the way."

"I'm Ophelia Blanchard."

Ophelia and Cho made their way through the crowd and found a compartment, they spent the whole train ride talking and getting to know each other.

Once they hopped off the train they went to the carriages, in the carriages they met Luna Lovegood. It feels weird, but ophelia felt as if she's known cho and luna forever, they quickly became close.

Cho, Luna, and Ophelia made their way to the great hall so they can see the first years and herself get sorted. When ophelia entered the great hall she was mesmerized, the celling was charmed and looked like the night sky. Cho and Luna made their way to the ravenclaw table and waited for their friend to get sorted.

As Professor McGonagall called the names of the first year so they can get sorted they finally went to her name.

"This year there is a transfer from beauxbatons, she will be entering fifth year, Ophelia Blanchard."

As the hat got placed in her head it went pitch black, she couldn't see, when suddenly a voice came in her mind.

Hmm Ophelia Blanchard, daughter of Michel Blanchard, he was a Slytherin but you're no slytherin. You are loyal, like a hufflepuff, but no....... It would be a little stereotypical to put a beauxbatons transfer in ravenclaw and your not a stereotypical beauxbatons transfer........I KNOW


Ophelia was a little disappointed she didn't get ravenclaw, even if it was stereotypical for a beauxbatons transfer to get ravenclaw, she wanted to be with Cho and Luna, but she would ensure that even if she got gryffindor she would keep on being friends with Cho and Luna. Ophelia made her way to the gryffindor tables and sat next to a red headed girl.

"Hey I'm Ginny Weasley, nice to meet you"

"I'm Ophelia Blanchard, nice to meet you too."

Ophelia and Ginny had a lot in common and quickly made easy conversation. Ophelia hoped Ginny would be in her dorm because she likes Ginny's company. It's not like Ophelia has a hard time making friends, she is an extravert and is very outgoing, but once she meets a friend she likes to get to know them more.

She's always been like that, maybe that's why she has a lot of friends but also a lot of people who are annoyed by her.

She hoped her dorm mates would like her.

"Ginny what year are you in?"

"4th" Ginny replied sadly

"bummer, I wanted to dorm with you. Any way I can dorm with you?" Ophelia replied, hopeful.

"Nope, Professor McGonagall would kill us if she saw you in the 4th year dorms. But I can show you one of your dorm mates she's really nice, basically my sister."


Ginny dragged Ophelia all the way to the end of the table where she saw three people, two boys one with black hair and another one with ginger hair (ginny's brother ophelia thought) talking to each other and a girl (probably her dorm mate) reading a book.

"Hey Hermione!"

"Hey Ginny, And?"

"Ophelia, Ophelia Blanchard."

"Hermione, this is your new dorm mate, she is in 5th year just like you."


Ginny, Hermione, and Ophelia went into conversation, talking about classes and what to expect when the ginger haired boy turned around.

"Hermione, you kn- Um Hermione, Ginny, who is this?"

"Don't be rude Ronald! this is Ophelia Blanchard"

"Don't call me Ronald Ginny" Ron grumbled

At this Harry turned around, he had been talking to ron the whole dinner and when ron went into conversation with Hermione and unknowingly Ophelia and Ginny, Harry spaced out, But when he came back to his senses he turned around and was shocked.

He saw Ophelia Blanchard.

He had told Ron about her and how she made his summer amazing, he thought he would never see her again considering he thought she was a muggle and lived in a different continent, but there she is, talking to his friends like she's been there her whole life, laughing. He tried to think about the sorting, he never paid attention to those so ot was likely she didn't hear her getting sorted.


Ophelia had been conversing with ron, ginny, and hermione about anything and everything when she heard her nickname 'phelia' the only person who called her phelia was harry, the 'muggle' from the summer, all her close friends and family call her either Ophelia of oph.

"Harry? WAIT WHAT"

Ginny, Hermione, and Ron looked at Ophelia and Harry confused

"Ginny why is a muggle at this school" Ophelia whispered to Ginny, Hermione, and Ron

Ginny, Ron, and Hermione burst out laughing, but Ophelia still looked bewildered and confused

"Ophelia, what are you doing at hogwarts?" Harry asked after he got to process that she was here

"Are you guys really that stupid, you guys are both at a wizarding school, ding! ding! ding! you guys are wizards. Anyhow, how do you guys know each other?"

"We met in France." they said at the same time
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