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The days of september slowly turned into october and then annual halloween dance is around the corner. People are asking and people are getting asked. It was a regular friday night the 5th year gryffindor dorm girl dorms. Every friday Hermione, Ophelia, Ginny, Cho, and Luna have a sleepover and in this specific one most of the girls are either obsessing over being asked to the halloween ball or obsessing over when someone will ask them to the ball.

"I don't get why you guys are making a fuss about it, if no one asks me I'll just go solo, it's about the experience."

" I know ophelia, but just imagine dancing with cedric." Cho said as she fawned over cedric

"I don't want to imagine that, he's your boyfriend cho, anyways when do you think ron will grow a pair and ask hermione?"

"Never" everyone said

"Well then break gender norms! Hermione ask him to the ball."

"No, anyways i am perfectly fine going by myself."

"Let's go together, We'd be the most powerful duo."

The girls continued talking about the halloween ball, no one noticed ginny go silent as luna said she got asked by neville, well everyone but ophelia.

"Hey gin come over here for a sec."

ginny went outside of the dorm with ophelia

"do you like luna?"

"I know it's wrong b-" ginny stopped once ophelia covered her mouth with her hands

"Ginny it's completely fine, there's nothing wrong with that, and if you ever need someone to talk to come to me, don't be afraid."

"Thank you so much ophelia, you're a great friend"


It was the day of halloween and all the girls were in the ravenclaw 5th year girls dorms, they decided it would be better since the ravenclaw dorms were empty that night.

Cho was going with Cedric

Luna was going with Neville

Ginny was going with Dean (but only Ophelia, Ginny, and Dean knew this arrangement was because their love interests were going with other people.)

Hermione and Ophelia decided to go together as a powerful duo

The girls finished getting ready, Cho, Luna, and Ginny already left with their dates so it was just Hermione and Ophelia in the dorms ready to go down.

"Mione are you ready to be considered the best duo of the night?"

"I'm not sure about best duo, but we will definitely be a good one, let's go."

Hermione and Ophelia walked down to the great hall together, they felt powerful.

The great hall was decorated beautifully it had a bunch of decorations and no ghosts, they had their own party in the ROR.

Hermione and Ophelia saw Cho, Cedric, Luna, Neville, Ginny, Dean, Seamus, and Lavender dancing together while harry and ron where sitting in the chairs glumly. Hermione and Ophelia made their way to harry and ron so they can get their mood up.

"Harry, Ron let's go dance."

Ron ignored the question "Hermione, who did you go to the dance with?"

"Me" Ophelia said before hermione could respond


"Ron if you want to dance with hermione, you can just ask, i'm not holding you back."

Ron and hermione blushed and made their way to the dance floor joining Cho, Cedric, Luna, Neville, Ginny, Dean, Seamus, and Lavender.

Ophelia made her way next to harry and sat down

"So what's got you all sad"


Ophelia followed harry's gaze, it followed to cho and cedric

"Harry i'm going to say this in the most blunt way possible, but you need to get over her. Cho loves cedric, i can even see them getting married in the future, your heart shouldn't linger on someone you can't have, now stop acting all grumpy and dance with me"

What ophelia said made harry put a lot of thought into things, he saw who cho and cedric looked at each other, they looked in love, so in the nest following days he took ophelia's advice and tried to get over her. What Ophelia didn't know is that in the next few weeks harry's gaze would start to be on someone else.


*Conversation between harry and ron after the ball (This conversation happened after the ball, in their dorms, harry and ron lying in their own beds, talking to each other while staring at the roof)

"I'm going to take ophelia's words to heart, Y'know the ones she told me about cho at the ball, I'm going to try and get over her."

"Good for you mate. Who do you think you will start to like next?"

"Ron, it's not just 'a once ones gone it goes for another one' thing my heart will know when it likes someone, but i know i need to get over cho."

"How will you do that?"

"By analyzing that Cho and Cedric are in love, try not to ruin their relationship, mostly try to avoid cho, not that i made any effort to talk to her."

"Good. Harry how do you know if you like someone? Y'know how did you realize you liked cho?"

"Well my heart beat fastened if she said hello or did a nice gesture, i would always embarrass myself in front of her, and i thought he was the best person in the whole world."

"How do you see hermione?"

"Well she's my bestfriend and she's incredibly smart."

"Did you act like that to hermione, like you did with cho?"

"No ron, i don't se her like that, i only see her as a bestfriend, basically a sister."

"I think i like hermione."

"Good for you."

"Wait you aren't surprised."

"No me and phelia figured that you liked her."

Suddenly harry's eyes widened

"dammit ron! why did you have to like hermione, now i owe phelia 30 galleons!"


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