Coconut and Vanilla

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Harry Potter

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Harry Potter

I woke up the next morning to see Cassie had already left. I could still smell her coconut shampoo and vanilla perfume on the sheets.

Last night was almost indescribable it was so amazing. I remember lying on the bed with her head on my chest and an arm wrapped around her after. She traced shapes and squiggly lines into my arm as we sobered. It was one of those moments that would only be memorable to me. I didn't want it to end but it did when I fell asleep.

For the fist time since Sirius's death, my dreams weren't haunted with nightmares and flashbacks. Instead, they were filled with happy memories. I can only think Cassie is to thank.

I just feel different with her. Like nothing else in the world matters. Like actions have no consequences and life is care free. Like I've known her my entire life.

I grabbed my school bag and headed out of the dorms once I had finished getting ready. The common room had been fully cleaned as if the Patil twins didn't throw a rager last night. I nearly had to shield my eyes when I walked out into the brighter lighting of the hallway. I had almost forgotten why I don't usually drink; The hangovers.

I spotted Ron standing on a ledge, looking out on a crowded hallway. I pushed through to go stand beside him. We both have free period this morning, so I bet we'll be standing here for a while.

"Good morning, lover-boy." Ron greeted. "Have a bit of fun last night, did we?"

Oh, brilliant. I've already been caught. "How did you know?" I asked in a hushed tone. 

"Door was locked. Figured it wouldn't just be locked if we weren't all in there for no reason." He tapped a finger to my neck, right below my jaw. "And that love bite is kind of a dead giveaway."

I slapped his hand away and pulled out my wand to hide it with a vanishing spell. "Is it gone?"

"It's not gone but it's hidden well enough." Ron said before raising his eyebrows at me. "So, who's the lucky girl?"

"None of your business."

"Oh, so she's someone you shouldn't have slept with. Got it." I mentally face palmed. I should have known Ron would want to try and figure out who it was. "Oh, Merlin, Harry! Was it my sister? Please tell me it wasn't."

"No, Ron. It wasn't Ginny."

"Ok, good. Does she have dark or light hair?"

"Potter. Potter!" Professor Mcganagall called as she waved me over to her. I breathed a sigh of relief, happy for the escape from Ron's questions.

"Oh, this can't be good." Ron muttered as he averted his gaze to anywhere but Mcganagall. I pushed through the crowd and hesitantly made my way over to her. She shook her head in disapproval.

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