Jealousy's Remedies

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Cassiopeia Nott

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Cassiopeia Nott


I'm in the infirmary. Please come. I need to see you.

- Antionette

About fifteen minutes later the doors burst open. Harry, still in his flannel pajama bottoms and fitted white t-shirt, scanned the room until his eyes landed on me. "Cass." He said in a sort of relief to see that I was ok. Little did he know I was far from it.

I instantly stood up as he made his way to me. His arms wrapped around my waist, one hand travelling to the back of my head as he pulled me into a tight hug. I buried my head into his shoulder. "Harry." I managed out, a small smile forming on my face at the familiar feeling of being wrapped in his arms.

He was first to pull away, cupping the side of his face in his hand as he looked over me. "Where have you been? Are you ok? What happened?" He paused a moment before asking. "Have you been crying?"

I had hoped the last half hour I spent silently sobbing wouldn't make it's way into our discussion. "Is it that noticeable?"

"What happened?"

"My father. And Draco."


I sighed, dropping my face into my hands. How am I supposed to explain something I can't even speak about without my life being threatened? Harry slowly pulled my hands away from my face. "Cass, what happened?"

He sat down on the infirmary bed I had been assigned. He beckoned for me to sit as well. I did and he pulled me, once again, into his arms. His back against the railing, my back against his chest. I felt his warm breath on the side of my cheek and I felt a sense of safety at his touch as he placed a kiss on the side of my head.

I took a shaky breath before trying to explain the unexplainable. "I don't even know where to start."

"How about with what happened to you six days ago?" He asked softly.

"Draco. I figured out he had been given an.....assignment. I questioned him about it and he took me to the Room of Requirement where he said he was going to explain. He told me the truth and that I had been right. And then he muttered some sleeping charm and I was out."

"What was his assignment?"

"I can't say."

"Why not?"

"That's the next part. He woke me up then brought me here. Then my father came in and pretended to be concerned while Dumbledore was here but the second he left he....he made me make him a promise. One I can't break."

"What was the promise?"

I made sure to be careful about my words but luckily, every time I seemed to almost slip up the red lines on my wrist burned, warning me not to. "I can't say. In the promise he made me swear not to speak about what I had figured out."

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