Malfoy's Girl

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Cassiopeia Nott

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Cassiopeia Nott

I gazed out the window at the moving trees. The smell of choclate frogs filled the thick air of the Hogwart's express, mixing in with the scent of weed my idiot brother was smoking right next to me.

"Must you do that on the train?" I asked as I scrunched my nose at the strong smell. Theo wrapped his arm around me and offered the joint in response. I shoved him off and turned back towards the window.

"My baby sister, the saint." He grinned before he raised the blunt to his lips to take another hit.

"We're twins, Teddy." A nickname Theo only let me, his dear sister, call him. If anyone else attempted it, they'd receive a bloody nose in response.

"I'm older."

"By three miniutes."

"Still older."

"We just sat down a few miniutes ago and you two are already arguing?" Athena asked as she shook her head in disappointment.

"We're twins-" Theo started.

"-It's all we know how to do." I finished. A trick we had picked up in our second year at Hogwarts after watching the Weasley twins do it a few times in the great hall.

"Could you three shut up? I'm trying to think." Draco snapped as he looked up from his potions textbook for the first time since the train left Kings Cross.

"Who studies on the train?" Theo asked as he pulled the book away from Draco and pretended to examine over it. "Do you have one of those playboy muggle magazines in here somewhere?"

"I wish." Draco said with a slight grin as he grabbed the book back and opened it back up to the page he had been reading.

"You two are the reason I like girls." Athena said as she looked between the boys in disgust. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have survived all these years with Draco and Theo. She's a nice balance of support through their dirty minds.

"I bet I could change your mind." Theo joked with a wink. Athena rolled her eyes at him before laying her head on the table in front of us and shutting her eyes. "Wake me if something intresting happens."

"Nothing intresting has happened on this train since the dementors in third year." I said as I blew some of the brunette hair Theo and I both sport out of my face. He and I looked more than similar. Same dark brunette hair, same brown eyes, same tan skin, same full lips. 

Our mother would have prided herself on it had she not passed after to giving birth to us. We both kind of blame ourselves for her death. Our father does too, which he makes alarmingly obvious.

"Yeah, the ones that made Potter faint." Draco laughed. "He's bloody pathetic, honestly."

Theo nodded in agreement while I kept quiet. I never really understood why Theo and Draco hate him so much. I had never really talked to the boy besides mouthing 'sorries' after Draco started unesscary fights with him every chance he got, but he seems nice.

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