Katie Bell

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Cassiopeia Nott

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Cassiopeia Nott

After Harry and I's little run in in Honeydukes, we spent the rest of our trip to Hogsmede dragging our friends into stores the other was in to talk a little while pretending to look over the same item. Now we walk beside each other on the trail back to the castle.  We both managed to convince our friends to go ahead so we could get some more time alone that isn't just in our dorms.

Our hands brushed one another's as we walked. "And you should have seen Ron's face." Harry laughed. "I wish I had taken a picture."

I laughed along with him. Hermione made a comment about her and Ron snogging and Ron apparently has mixed feelings about it. "They'd made quite the pair." I smiled.

"They will. Someday. Probably not for a good twenty years or the next life or death situation we get thrown into."

"One of the two." Our hands brushed again and this time, I laced my finger around his. A small smile formed on his face and he wrapped his the rest of the way so we were holding hands. The only people near us were two girls up ahead and I doubt they'll notice.

"Did Slughorn invite you to his dinner party?" I asked.

"Yeah. You?"

"And Theo. I'm not particularly excited but now that you're going it'll be slightly more bearable." 

He turned his head to face mine. "If we even get to talk, that is." 

I sighed. "Yeah, well. I'll try my best to sit next to you. Are you excited for it otherwise?"

"No, but Dumbledore wants me to get close to Slughorn so I suppose this is the way to do it."


"He may know how to destroy Voldemort."

My eyes went wide. "Really? Maybe I should try to get you next to Slughorn instead of me."

"Please don't." He laughed again. "I'd much rather sit next to you."

A blood curdling scream drew both of our attention to a few yards ahead of us. One of the two girls who had been walking was now on the ground, presumably unconscious. The other girl turned to us. She looked as if she might have just witnessed a murder. "I warned her. I warned her not to touch it!" She cried.

I dropped Harry's hand to rush towards the girl on the ground. Her body began to jerk back and forth and back and forth, and then she shot straight up into the air with her arms spread. Harry and the other girl rushed to my side. I looked to the ground where a gorgeous blue necklace lay. Beside it was the box it had come out of. 

The girl in the air dropped to the ground. "Do not get any closer! Get back, all of you." Hagrid, the gameskeeper, called from behind us. He pushed past us to get to the girls body. She was still shaking, her eyes blinking open and closed.

Addictive; Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now