Hickey, Hickey

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Harry Potter

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Harry Potter

After my time with Cassie, I made my way back to the common room for the celebration. Ron ruffled my hair the minute I stepped in the room. "There's the captain!" He cheered. He looked me over and began to laugh. "Oh, I see you already celebrated." He pointed to a spot on my neck.

"I'll have to thank her for that later." I said as I covered it with my hand until I could get my wand from my dorm. Oh shit. If she left a hickey, then I definitely left at least two on her.

I know I shouldn't, but I couldn't help but hope Malfoy see's them and takes it as a sign to back off. One of the down sides to dating in secret is that your girlfriend is considered single, therefore her father can give her away to other guys.

God, I hate him. He and Malfoy are my least two favorite people on the planet right now for what they did to Cassie. I can't even imagine how she feels about it, being at risk of death just by saying the wrong thing. And the red lines on her wrist. I hope I get the honor of someday leaving even more painful ones on Malfoy.

"I guess I should consider myself lucky you're always first to notice." I said. Ron laughed. He peered over at a few students who were calling him over then clapped my back. "Sorry, mate. Got to go talk to my adoring fans."

And before I could respond, he was off and in the crowd. This celebration was no Patil twins party, but it came pretty close. I pushed through the crowd until I found Hermione. I was immediately met with a scolding. "You really shouldn't have done it."

"I suppose he could have just used a Confundus Charm." I shot back.

Her cheeks went red. At tryouts, when I wasn't launching bludgers at Blaise Zabini, I was noticing her muttering words under breath. At the very same time, Ron would do some odd move to block the quaffles. I put the pieces together pretty easily.

"That was different. It was tryouts!" She defended. I pulled the liquid luck out of my pocket and waved it casually in the air. Her eyes went wide with a sort of relief. "You didn't put it in." She sighed.

"Nope. Just figured he needed to remind himself of his talents."

"Harry, I think I know you and what your talents are," She peered at my neck. "Then I question whether I really know you and your apparent talents at all." I recovered my reminder of the locker room, silently cursing that I had momentarily forgotten it was there.

"Not that I'm judging. You're perfectly free to...visit with whomever you like, of course." She rambled. "But will you ever stop hiding her?"

I felt a sort of shame ease it's way up to my face. I shouldn't be ashamed, but I am. Hermione, Ron, and I don't keep secrets from each other and I hate having to now. I don't want to keep our relationship a secret but I don't want to risk losing her over it. Still seeing Cassie matters more to me than being able to hold her hand in a crowded hall. "I'm not hiding her. I'm just not sharing her."

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