Dead people again?

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Yeah. You kinda needed that picture didn't you.

TW!! Mention of cutting starvation, foaming of the mouth, rape,abuse, self harm,crying and kissing!

Kiibo's POV

"Miu!!" Was Miu ok??!W-hy would she just faint like that?!? I picked Miu up and rushed towards the infirmary with miu in my arms I was running faster than I could if I was a real robot. Of course that's was just a simulation,I'm no robot. I finally made it into the infirmary when Miu started foaming in her mouth. No. No. No. No. Nononononono. Miu can't die in my arms this isn't happening right now.."Nurse! Somebody! Help!" I saw several nurses running up to me and they grabbed Miu from my arms and set her on a rolling bed and ran. I quickly ran with them holding onto Miu's hand and then they pointed to a room and said wait in there.

Himiko's POV

I was hanging out with Tenko,Angie, and GONTA and practicing my magic, when I ran out of mp.."I ran out of mp. Angie wanna grab some ice cream for everyone?" "Auta approves let's go!" Tenko just looked at me sadly. "Gonta want to come Gonta gentleman!" "Ok! Tenko can come too." I didn't want Tenko to think I didn't like her,so I didn't leave her out. "Yay! I will protect Himiko!"

Tenko POV

"Yay! I will protect Himiko!" I don't think Himiko likes me.."Gonta help get ice cream." "Auta says that is very generous of Gonta." "What flavors do you want Tenko?" Does anybody even care about me? All I need to do is protect Himiko.."Tenko!" "Oh sorry..Rock hard chocolate,if we have any! If not,then just vanilla." "Ok! Angie what flavor will you have?" "I would like the void dark chocolate! I know we have some because I had some last night." "Ok! Gonta, what about you?" " Gonta want the mint chocolate!" "Were here,I'll get out the cones,Tenko can you get the ice cream out?" "Sure thing Himiko!" I walked over to the deep freeze and grabbed out all the flavors. "Here's the mint!" I walked over and handed it to Angie,who had her hair in a bun and an ice cream scooper in her hand. "Thank you. Atua says thank you as well." I walked back over to the deep freeze and grabbed the void and rock hard flavors and walked back over to the counter and handed the flavors to Gonta who also had a scooper. "Now." As I said that Himiko started sliding the cones down the counter and Angie,Gonta and I got to scooping. Himiko started scooping out her ice cream and it was one of the nicest things in my life since I was little,from the abusive parents,to my father raping me, to my siblings being murdered, to being murdered myself and waking up again, this was nice. I never want this feeling to end. "Tenko..why are you crying?" I looked up.

I edited this picture to make her cry (creds to who did the original)

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I edited this picture to make her cry (creds to who did the original)

Still Tenko POV

"H-huh?" I touched my face and I felt tears. "Oh..I guess I am crying.." "Gonta want to know what wrong?" "I...just don't want this feeling to end." Then I started sobbing. "Atua says it is ok to let it out." Angie,Himiko,and Gonta pulled me into a hug.

Sike it's not the end of the book

Shuichi's POV

"Kichi. I love you,but we need to talk about the cutting and starvation." I am going to get him to eat. "No..I have panta. That's good enough for me." "No it's not Kichi." "Yes. It is." "No it is not." I sighed. "Then at least eat a popsicle." " Fine..let's go." We headed down to the kitchen when we heard intense sobbing. "Um..hello?" We walked in to find Angie,Himiko,Gonta,and Tenko all crying and hugging eating ice cream out of the bucket. "Uhhh-we will just grab our food and go-" " Tenkooooooo waaaaaa" Himiko was clinging onto Tenko and Angie was sitting there sobbing eating the ice cream off her scooper. "Let's hurry-I dint want to upset them more" Kokichi whispered to me. We got the popsicles and ran.

Hi just wanted to say my fingers hurt and Angie and Gonta is not a ship--

Word count:743 words

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