26: Verify.

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FAINT BICKERING brought back Hobi's senses. He's sure that it was the twin. He remember how they bicker each other. It was a bit violent but cute.

He slowly opens up his eyes and both were expectant to witness him awake. They lean closer. The way they look at him, they've been seeing a very precious experiments on their midst. They did not blink an eye they just stare. A bit creepy yet he still find it amusing.

Both wear their pajamas and a beanie on their head. A faint smile on his lips. Looking at them its so hard to distinguish who's who? From the fact that they're identical twin and wearing the same outfit. Even wear the same expression.

"Are you trying to test me right now?" He ask and they nod. Excited to know how their experiment will go? His smile widen expressing more humor.

You're Kim In Ha." He pointed on his right. "So you are Kim In Hoo." Pointing at the other confidently.

Both did not make any reaction. A very innocent and convincing reaction that brought him to laughter. Sure they won't let him taste victory that easy.

Alright I'll explain." He lift his tired body and sit leaning himself on the headboard of the bed.

It'll be hard to distinguish the difference of the both of you if I haven't seen your mother's eyes in person." His words sparks their interest finding more comfort on their seats.

Every woman of your clan had this spark of identity in their eyes, only they can acquire. Your grandmother Kim Jang Mi eommeonim had it that your mother Kim Dani inherited." He's looking at her. "You may even play your role as a young man perfectly but I can tell you apart from each other." Now he averted his eyes to In Hoo.

You do know how to act as a woman. That's hard but I guess playing tricks like this was normal." He lean closer and patted his head.

Don't you know you got her eyes too?" He didn't respond he just stare at him waiting for his statement to finish. "Your eyes don't know how to judge people. You seen them of who they are. That what makes you special."

They distance a bit and converse each other silently. You know the twin thing. They look bickering once again but Kim In Ha takes the floor crossing her arms head held high. Trying to intimidate him.

He chuckles finding her reaction cute. Remembering how he met their mother for the first time. Shaking his finger accompanied by his own BGM.

Do you know how I met your mother?" They subtly glance each other unaware how they met. "I met her when I was seven and she was four..."

His story was intervene by their sudden reaction. They shifted to defensive mode. They sure felt someone. And he felt it too. He can't be mistaken. Even if it took how many years he cannot forget that kind of eerie cold that creeps him.

There's only one person who can create that kind of vibes--its Kim Dani.

He took the kids and hide them behind him. They were pretty surprise by his apt thinking and let them be. They're eager to know how will he deal their mother. They also want to find out if he's not bluffing at all.

The room suddenly open in a very violent manner. He flinch startled yet he maintain his pace covering the kids.

Later on he saw her feet walking as he turn his eyes upward. From her feet up to her body it can't be denied it was her.

Until he reach her face.

He hiccups.

He's absolutely sure he looks stupid right now. He's openly checking on her. Gawking how she looked so intanct. The image he remembers her to be remains. Its absolutely in their blood. Their aging delays how much a normal aging ordinary human capacity can do.

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