Chapter three

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Everyone starts talking again and I sit down. "That was amazing! No one can embarrass Gally, without getting a punch!" Thomas says smiling at me.

"You know why she can?" Newt asks smirking. "Gally likes her! He must have a crush on her or something!" Newt continues.

"Yes! I know right! Gally likes you a lot if he lets you embarrass him!" Minho adds.

"Guys I don't think he does. I just think he's not such an asshole as you describe him." I reply.

"Summer and Gally are sitting on a bench K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Chuck sings childish.

"Unbelievable!" I mumble under my breathe. We start eating and talk about some stuff that went down today.

"If you don't believe me greenie, look at the table right there!" Minho whispers. I look over to the place Minho pointed at and see Gally looking at me. The moment our eyes cross he looks away. "That means he likes you." Minho says. I roll my eyes.

We finish dinner and Chuck takes my hand dragging me away to the hammocks. "You're sleeping in this one. You're pretty tall probably 6'1 but it'll do." Chuck says.

"Thank you Chuck, for everything. Being my friend and helping me with my hammock." I reply smiling.

"I like helping people. Tonight is the bonfire, you should come. It'll be fun." Chuck insists. I nod.

Alby calls everyone together in the Homestead, Chuck and I walk together and sit down next to each other. "The reason I brought all of you slinthheads together is because I want to add a new rule. No dating!" He says.

A lot of disappointed sounds are made by the boys but I just look at Chuck smiling. "You don't care do you?" He asks softly.

"No!" I reply quickly. That was literally it. Everyone gets to the bonfire, it gets lit and people start talking and making music on pots. It's really cozy to be honest. I sit down next to Frypan and a few others.

"So you're the famous Summer who knows how to handle a Gally." An Indian boy says smiling at me. "Name's Winston. Nice to meet you." He adds.

"Well I would love to introduce myself but everyone here knows my name already." I reply shaking his hand. He smiles.

"Yeah, you're name went around faster then burning fire. This is Zart and those are Clint and Jeff." Frypan introduces me to the other three boys sitting with us.

"What do you guys do for jobs?" I ask since I haven't really thought about that yet. Alby explained it quickly but I forgot most.

"I'm keeper of the track hoe's, and Fry is our cook as you may know." Zart says smiling.

"Keeper of the slicers, it's a pretty nasty job but hey, it's kinda fun." Winston replies looking at me.

"I'm keeper of the med-jacks and Clint is another med jack working for me. That's why I was there when you woke up." Jeff adds.

Oh yeah I remember now. "Now tell us your secret, what did you do to make Gally so nice to you? He's been laughing and smiling all day?" Clint asks.

"I just made fun of his eyebrows and he tickled me, he was nice on it's own." I reply staring at Gally.

"Huh, he must've liked your guts." Frypan replies.

The night goes on and the music stops when people start talking louder. I sigh, sitting down alone staring at the flames when all of a sudden a melody and some text start appearing in my head like a long lost memory.

"When you need direction, look to the stars
If you don't know where you're heading, follow your heart
When you're lost I will guide you
'Cause I'm right there beside you
Like a map of your memories
And just like a compass that leads the way
We may take the long road, but I'll never fade
When you're lost I will guide you, oh, tell me you'll try to
Oh remember we're in the darker days
Love is a compass"

When I look up again it's silent and everyone looks at me. "That was cool." Winston says smiling. They all go back to talking though which is a huge relief.

Someone sits down next to me but I don't bother looking up from the ground to see who. "You have a beautiful singing voice." Gally says. I look at him and smile.

"Thank you." I reply simply. "Is it true?" I ask.

"Is what true?" He asks back looking at me as well.

"The others here say, that no one can make fun of you like I did." I reply. He chuckles and nods.

"Yeah they shouldn't try doing that." He says.

"Why can I do it? I'm not different or special." I ask.

"I don't know, guess I kinda like the way you smiled at me after you cried before lunch." He says.

"You've seen that?" I ask hiding my face in my hands.

"Of course, you know I was the first one to see you in the box. You were sleeping it felt weird. When you cried, just don't cry anymore. You're way more beautiful when you smile." He says.

"Thank you." I say hiding a soft blush. "And your way funnier when you smile then scream at those boys." I reply.

"Yeah well, those shanks like to just sit on their butt the whole day doing nothin!" Gally replies laughing.

"Okay guys that's it! Let's head to bed everyone!" Alby shouts which all boys listen to of course.

"That's my ticket, good night greenie." Gally says poking my arm softly before standing up.

"Night Gally." I reply before walking to my hammock next to the one of Thomas. I lay down looking at the stars in the sky, slowly falling asleep.

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