Chapter nine

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I wake up and realize I'm in the med-hut. I look around and see Gally sitting in the chair. He looks at me and jumps up when he sees I'm awake. "How are you feeling?" He asks placing one hand on my forehead.

"Confused." I reply with a harsh voice. He smiles softly while I hold my stomach again. "What happened?" I ask.

"You passed out completely after some stomach aching. Does it still hurt?" He asks. I nod.

"That never happened before." I say. I start panicking, maybe something is really wrong with me.

"Hey hey, calm down." Gally says rubbing softly over my forehead. "You'll be alright. Don't worry." He says.

Jeff walks inside and smiles at me. "It only took you four hours to wake up huh. How you feeling?" He asks.

"It hurts." I reply holding my stomach.

"This is something that we found in the box. They're marked as medicine for period cramps." Jeff says giving me one pill.

"Is that even safe?" Gally asks. Jeff nods and I take it in. I don't care at this point.

"You should rest for a day." Jeff says while leaving.

"Gally?" I ask. He turns his head to me again and leans over the edge of the bed. "Why were you here?" I ask softly.

He realizes something and wants to leave but I grab his hand right in time. "I didn't say I didn't like it did I?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"I got worried okay. That's why I'm here." He admits. I smile brightly and he looks at me confused. "What is it?" He asks.

"You have funny eyebrows." I say giggling.

"Listen greenie, I thought we went through this! No fun making about my beautifully shaped eyebrows." He says sarcastically. I start laughing.

"Did Alby even let you stay here?" I ask still holding his hand and fiddling with his fingers.

"No, he tried to get me out here two times but I stayed. I wasn't going to leave before I knew for sure that you were okay." He says smiling.

"That's really nice actually." I reply. He looks at me and sighs.

"Don't act! Like I never do something like that!" He says. I smile. Then all of a sudden an alarm goes off. "Impossible!" He says.

"What is that about?" I ask panicking.

"It's the box! It came up!" Gally says. He takes my hand and helps me out of bed. "You sure you can run?" He asks. I nod and drag him with me.

We arrive at the box and Newt jumps inside. "It's another girl." He says confused.

"What's that in her hand?" Gally asks pointing at it.

Newt takes the paper and unfolds it. He reads: "She's the last one... ever." Everyone stays quiet. "What does that mean?" He asks.

All of a sudden the girl wakes up, gasping for air. "Thomas?" She says before fainting again. Everyone looks at Thomas but he just stands there confused.

Jeff and Clint take her to the med-hut and Thomas drags Minho back into the maze. "What are you two doing! The doors close in two hours!" Newt screams.

"We'll be back! We need to check something!" Minho replies running inside behind Thomas. I get to the kitchen and realize those medicine worked really quickly. I help Frypan preparing dinner.

When we all figure that Thomas and Minho didn't come out of the maze yet, we all get to the doors. We wait in front of it. "They'll make it." Newt says.

The doors start closing slowly but we see Thomas and Minho running upon it. "They're not gonna make it!" Newt says. The doors close right before they arrived at them. Newt screams, banging on the walls.

Most of us stand there emotionless. No one says anything. We all return to the kitchen and take a plate but no one eats. It's so quiet, you could even hear a bug sneezing if that's even a thing.

No one sleeps at night. No one had said anything anymore and most of us wait in front of the maze doors for them to open. When they finally do we get up from the ground to see empty halls. "Told you Chuck." Newt says. Everyone walks slowly back away.

"No look!" Zart says pointing to the inside. We all start cheering when we see Thomas and Minho running outside. Thomas gets embraced by Newt and I embrace Minho.

"Did you see a griever?" Chuck asks wondering. Thomas nods but Minho replies.

"He didn't just see it, he killed one." He says. We all get to breakfast and enjoy it. Everyone talks again and laughs now we know they're safe.

After breakfast Frypan disappeared, no idea where he went but he left me in the kitchen alone. I finish lunch for everyone when he returns. "Wow you finished?" He asks smiling.

"Where have you been?" I ask back.

"In the maze, we found something. It may be our way out." Frypan replies. We give the sandwiches to everyone and eat one as well.

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