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Three days later, Jimin and Hoseok were sitting in their English Language class listening to their teacher talk about a famous writer and discussing the way in which his work was as opposed to Shakespeare's. 

Jimin was listening attentively, he was quite good in English considering he spoke another language. That was due to his father's teaching. Naturally he picked up on it. 

Taehyung was less able and barely made sense of the foreign language. However he did try his best at learning. Hoseok on the other hand was a loss cause. It was the same as French; he knew a few words but not enough. After classes were over the trio headed to the back of the school to have lunch.

"No way! If I had the power of invisibility then I would just rob banks." Hoseok exclaimed. They were endorsed in a serious conversation about what kind of superpowers they would want and why.

"Really Hobi?" Taehyung replied disappointed. "It's not like you need money!You wouldn't want to do anything else?"

"Okay, what would you do then?"

"I would infiltrated Area 51, learn their secrets and use it to threaten the people of the world who support injustice and racism!" Taehyung replies with a straight face causing both Jimin and Hoseok to nod in agreement.

They go back to talking, midway through their conversation a person approaches their table making the boys stop what they were doing and look up.

"Hey Mingi." Jimin greets the latter. "What's up?"

"I need to ask a favour from you, can we talk." The boy says looking at the Jimin dead in the eyes.

"Sure, I'll be back in a minute." The platinum haired boy says as they walk away from the table.

After a few minutes Jimin comes back and sits down. "What was that about?" Hoseok demands. "He just wanted to practice the run again after practise cause Madame Marie's been on his case.

The two boys sigh in understanding and go back to eating. "You know he's kinda good looking!" Hoseok says breaking the silence.

"Okay, and your point is?"

"My point is smart ass, that, since the thing with Yoongi didn't work maybe Mingi could be a potential boyfriend!"

"What!? No, it's not like that with him." Jimin exclaims.

"Is he nice?" Taehyung pitches in out of nowhere.

"He's nice but it's not like that. He's my friend slash dance partner."

"Well, maybe he can be Mingi; dance partner slash boyfwend." Hoseok says cheekily.

"You guys, honestly! I legit just got over a heartbreak and you're suggesting new people for me to date!"

"Strike the thing while it's hot!"

"Eww." The latter replies in discuss, he slaps Hoseok's pocking hands away. Taehyung giggles at the pair and watches them debate a little longer.

A small ping sounds from Hoseok's phone and another, and another.

"Somebody's famous!" Jimin remarks.

Hoseok grabs the phone off the table and smiles when he sees the screen. "What is it?" Jimin asks nosing his face into the other.

"It's the girl from the party, we exchanged numbers. She wants to meet again."

Jimin peers over Hoseok's shoulder and inspects the message. "Good for you, at least one of us is thriving, right Tae?"

Taehyung smiles softly in response. "Yeah." He picks up his lunch and gathers his bag. "I should get to class, mine's further than yours, so I'll leave now."

"You okay?" Jimin asks noticing a slight difference in his brother's mood.

"Yeah, I'll see you after school." And with that the male stands, props his side bag onto his shoulder and disappears into the doors.




To be continued.

Thanks for reading. I appreciate it! If you have any questions, DM me. Comment and vote!

Song recommendation: Kiana Lede - Wicked Games 

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