4 am throw ups

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Two weeks had passed since the incident and the boys had gradually forgotten about it and Namjoon was glad about that. Taehyung seemed to slowly be calming down, enough to drive himself and his brother to and from school.

Namjoon had talked to Kang about the incident and he had come up with nothing so far, He wasn't really expecting him to. Gut feeling.

The incident happened in some random area on the road, he understood, Kang wasn't a miracle worker, as much as he claimed he was. He had informed Namjoon that they didn't know where the man was, which posed as a more of a problem.

Added stress to the business man.

Currently Kang was attempting to find out anything and everything he could about Taehyung's father since he got out.




It was early morning on a Wednesday, Jimin lied awake in his bed, he couldn't sleep anymore, he had woken up in a cold sweat. His room was dark, when he checked his phone it read [4:15am]

Nobody was awake by now, not even his dad. It isn't the first time he'd woken up early like this, it usually happened with the platinum's body covered in sweat and a faint headache, and like the other times, he knew what would happen should he sit up.

However the need to pee was also persistent. Jimin tried to ignore it for as long as he could but in the end he couldn't. So against his judgement, he tried carefully sliding out of bed, it took several seconds. As soon as the boy was standing up properly he could feel the familiar feeling of bile rise up in his throat.

Without delaying, Jimin rushes to his bathroom, kneeling hard onto the floor in front of the toilet in attempts to leg go of whatever his body wanted to let out. And like the many other times, nothing came through, he dry heaved for a while, spitting up saliva into the bowl, feeling like his body was punishing him somehow. It passes quickly enough, at least he believes it does but the episode leaves the familiar lingering numbness in his stomach and mouth he'd experienced often before.

Thw platinum boy sits on the bathroom floor for a little bit afraid to get up again in fear of it happening yet again. He didn't know why this was happening to him, was it something he ate? Was it something he drank? But that couldn't be, because it happened over an over. If it was food poisoning or his allergies flaring up it wouldn't persist like this continuously.

Something wasn't right and the Jimin knew it. After about 30 minutes of waiting, he feels more confident to stand up, a little light headed at first, but capable.

He rushes to brush his teeth to get some kind of flavour in his mouth, then heads to his desk, sits down and tries to busy himself, going back to bed was a big no no.




Later that day at school, Jimin feels slightly better, he ignores the dull headache that still hadn't gone down and focuses on his classes. After school he and Mingi head to dance practice together like usual. When they enter the studio Madame Marie was already there, waiting on the rest of the students.

"Bet she's about to make a speech." Mingi says in Jimin's ears as they walk out of the changing rooms and line up. He shushes the latter with a small grin.

"Let's try to be punctual as always please." She scolds slightly. "D'accord (alright), so let me begin by reminding everyone that the show will be next week's Friday."

Her voice is crisp as it echoes off the walls of the studio. Delicate ticks of her short heals tack against the floor in an intentional rhythm.

"I am counting on nothing but absolute perfection from all of you. So far I am satisfied with 96 percent of your progress. The rest who lag, I urge you to continue practising. As you know many distinguished representatives will be present, the schoo-"

"-Yeah just a bunch of fat pricks with money that the school pays to come watch." Mingi whisper's bitterly into Jimin's ears. The latter tries not to react and listen but Mingi's slight chuckle after catches Madame Marie's attention.

"Am I boring the two of you? Care to share your amusement with the rest of us?" She snaps.

The two hang their heads low and emit a small bow. "As I was saying," she continues, her eyes lingering in annoyance for a few seconds.

"A small number of you need to work harder to catch up, competition should be your motivation. Mr Song and Kim, since the two of you seem to care less about this ordeal, I'll have you know, the two you are within the percentage that require progress." She scolds.

"This is not the time to be slacking off." She sighs at that, then hits one heel on the floor. "We will start straight away with music. Positions, un, deux, trois..."




Thanks for reading! :D share your traumas. Comment and vote!!!

Songs recommendations: Falling for u - Peachy ft MXTOON

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