Chapter 17

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Bluewillow, Raggedstorm, Quickfern, Acornpaw, Ashpaw, and Faithpaw all sat in Thistlestar's den, which had become quite crowded, every cat's fur was brushing against each others.

"FoxClan attacked you on our land?" Thistlestar blinked in surprise.

"Yes. We were just patrolling and then they showed up and started attacking." Quickfern explained.

"After we heard their yowls, my patrol came to their aid. Thankfully, because if we hadn't, they would've been more shredded than they are right now." Raggedstorm added.

"Did anything else happen?" Thistlestar asked, looking around the cats in his den.

Faithpaw pawed at ground. "Darkstar was there. He attacked me first and after awhile, the rest of his patrol had fled. Before he left he said that this wasn't over." Faithpaw meowed.

Something flashed in Thistlestar's eyes for a moment before it faded. "These new movements made by Darkstar worry me." He murmured, bowing his head.

"What are you going to do?" Raggedstorm asked, leaning toward Thistlestar.

Thistlestar raised his tail and stood up. The other cats made a path as Thistlestar weaved his way through the roots of the Lone Oak and the rest of the patrol followed him.

Thistlestar signaled for the cats to stay where they were, when they were above ground. He then climbed his way up the Lone Oak tree.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here beneath the Lone Oak for a clan meeting!" He yowled.

The clan began to gather around the tree's base, murmuring to one another.

"Earlier today, Speckleshade's border patrol was attacked by a rival patrol while patrolling the FoxClan border."

Gasps of shock rippled throughout the clearing.

"This is not the first time similar movements by FoxClan have happened. First the gathering, then the first border dispute, and now this." Thistlestar sighed. "The senior warriors and myself know how Darkstar has always detested our clan, and now, I believe he is acting more on that emotion. Because of this, I have decided to travel to SilverStar Falls to discuss this matter with the warriors of StarClan. I would like Hollyhawk, Faithpaw, Acornpaw, and Ashpaw to accompany me." Thistlestar meowed.

Faithpaw glanced over at Acornpaw and Ashpaw, who were both sitting beside her. All their faces showed shock and excitement. Faithpaw turned back to her leader.

"For those traveling with me, go and get traveling herbs from Fallenwillow. We'll be leaving soon. Meeting dismissed!" Thistlestar waved his tail and crawled back down the Lone Oak. 

Quick Author's Note -
Hello readers! I just wanted to jump and say that I apologize for this chapter being so short in length. The next final three chapters are filled with a lot more action and story line. This chapter was more of a filler leading into those major plot points. So again, I apologize for that but read on and I hope you enjoy the rest of this book!
- BookwormFanFictions

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