Chapter 19

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Faithpaw's eyes fluttered open and tiny stars filled her vision. She straightened up and gazed around. All around her, there was a forest that looked to be a blue-white color with stars embedded in every surface. A gentle breeze blew through the trees, making their leaves shake ever so slightly.

"Hello, young curious one." A voice purred. "I was wondering when I would see you again." 

Faithpaw turned to see a brown she-cat with forest green eyes smiling at her, from beside a tree. Her pelt glittered with starlight.

"You!" Faithpaw gasped, recognizing the she-cat. This was the very cat that had lead her to the forest moons ago! She was a StarClan warrior!

"It's great to see that you've followed the path that your heart longed for." The cat murmured.

"W-Why I am here...?" Faithpaw asked, gazing around in wonder.

"I think you know that answer.." The she-cat smiled.

Faithpaw nodded.

"But to answer your question, there is something I must share with you."

"What is it?" Faithpaw asked. 

"You are a special cat, Faithpaw. You'll grow to do great things." The she-cat paused and met her gaze. "You have a destiny greater than most cats. Your clan needs you, even if they don't see it yet. You will rise to save them." 

"W-What?" Faithpaw stammered. "I don't understand... Can you tell me more? Save them from what? Where will my destiny led me?"

"Even StarClan doesn't have all the answers, young one.." The starry cat murmured. "The bit of advice I can is, keep following your heart, have faith in yourself and StarClan, and this journey will lead you to where you need to be.."

Faithpaw slowly nodded her head. "You never told me your name..." She looked up at the StarClan warrior.

"That is something for another time." The she-cat whispered.

Suddenly, Faithpaw's ear twitched. She could hear Thistlestar's voice flowing through the trees. She glanced at the starry she-cat and ran off, following her leader's voice. Faithpaw could hear the she-cat running behind her.

Faithpaw stopped when she caught sight of Thistlestar. Standing in front of her leader was a chestnut-brown tom with forest green eyes. 

"This can't happen!" Thistlestar's usually calm tone was filled with anger, his claws were out and dug into the starry soil.

"We both that Darkstar won't stop until he has had his fill of revenge." The chestnut-brown tom meowed.

"I do know that! I just want my clan to be safe. We've changed since the time of Scarfur..." Thistlestar growled.

"Darkstar is trying to stop something... Foxstar knows what.. He was the one who told Darkstar's those words..." 

"Darkstar would go to great lengths if his reign was threatened. What can I do?" Thistlestar asked.

"Trust the cat we told you about. She will grow to defeat him and end his reign... Trust the she-cat with black tortoiseshell fur.." The brown tom murmured. Faithpaw froze, her black tortoiseshell fur prickling.

"I will and I do...." Thistlestar replied.

"Trust what has been foretold..." The cat murmured. With that he padded off into the trees. 

Faithpaw felt her starry companion follow the chestnut-brown tom. Faithpaw ducked out of her hiding place and padded over to her leader, who was hunched over, looking deep in thought.

"Thistlestar..." She whispered. 

The gray tom spun around, his fur fluffed up. He relaxed as his eyes met Faithpaw's.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "How are you here?"

"Something happened before I came to the forest, and SilverStar Falls reminded of it. So I copied what you did and I woke up here." Faithpaw explained. 

"What else happened when you were here?"

"This cat came to me and told me of a destiny. My destiny. Apparently, it's a great one, I will grow to save my clan.. I don't know what the means for me..." Faithpaw meowed, quietly.

"If StarClan told you this then they think you're ready to know. Keep your faith in StarClan and you'll figure it out." Thistlestar replied.

Faithpaw nodded to him. "What did you say can't happen?" She asked after a moment.

"StarClan has said our camp is in danger. A darkness is growing to surround and destroy us."

Faithpaw's fur prickled in alarm. "We have to back there then!" 

"I know." Thistlestar replied.

"How do we wake up?" Faithpaw asked.

"Close your eyes. You see yourself next to SilverStar Falls. You're waking up." Thistlestar murmured.

A few seconds later Faithpaw opened her eyes to the flowing water beneath. She stood up and Thistlestar followed.

"I leave for a few tree-lengths and I come back with you sleeping next to SilverStar Falls!" Hollyhawk had returned and was glaring down at Faithpaw. "I don't why Thistlestar thinks you're StarClan's gift to the clan but-"

"Hollyhawk enough! There's trouble back at home!" Thistlestar snapped, cutting her off.

Hollyhawk stared at him, wide eyed. "What?"

Thistlestar lashed his tail and splashed out of the tunnel with Hollyhawk and Faithpaw following close behind. 

"Acornpaw, Ashpaw!" Thistlestar meowed when they reached them.

Both apprentices looked up.

"Why have to get back to camp." Thistletstar explained. "There's more danger from FoxClan than we realized."

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