Chapter 18

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Hollyhawk, Acornpaw, Ashpaw, and Faithpaw all followed Thistlestar out of camp as the coolness of the evening set in.

Faithpaw winced as they stepped out onto the edge of a rocky twoleg path. They were beyond clan territory now and Faithpaw's claws tingled as exhilaration filled her.

"This is a Thunderpath. Twolegs get into the bellies of their monsters and they cross the terrain on these paths instead of walking." Thistlestar explained.

"Why in the name of StarClan would twolegs get into the belly of a monster?" Ashpaw asked.

"Twolegs are mouse-brained creatures. They can't even tell clan scent markers. A few seasons ago, this twoleg kit would wander into our territory, scaring our prey and babbling nonsense." Hollyhawk replied.

Faithpaw's mind went back to when her young owner would wander outside and head off into the woods. Oh how Faithpaw wanted to go with her! Perhaps that's who they were taking about? She pushed the thoughts of her former life away as Thistlestar stepped out onto the stones.

"Come on. We'll follow this Thunderpath till we reach the main one, then we'll cross that, and then SilverStar Falls awaits." Thistlestar meowed. 

Excitement fizzled inside of Faithpaw as they continued on.

The stars had begun to appear as the patrol came to a stop where the sound of running water could be heard.

"Alright you four, take time to hunt, if need be, while we wait for the moon to rise higher." Thistlestar said.

"Yes, food!" Acornpaw yelled, turning around and bounded off into the grassy ditch.

Faithpaw turned to follow her but stopped. "Are you coming, Ashpaw?" She asked over her shoulder.

Ashpaw smiled at her and padded to her side. He briefly touched his nose to hers, which sent a weird, new shiver through Faithpaw. Ashpaw pulled back at the shiver subsided. 

"Sure, I'll come." He replied.

With that, the two apprentices headed down into the ditch, side-by-side.

After the group, except for Thistlestar, had had their fill of mice, the moon had risen higher in the black, starry, sky.

"Ashpaw, Acornpaw, you two can stay outside and guard the entrance. As for Hollyhawk and Faithpaw, you both will accompany me inside. Follow me." Thistlestar meowed, padding down the slope.

Underneath the Thunderpath, a river flowed. There was a tunnel craved into the ground beneath the Thunderpath that the river flowed through. 

Faithpaw saw the outline of Thistlestar and Hollyhawk ahead of her and she heard the dripping of water further ahead. Calmness washed over Faithpaw as they drew closer to the dripping water. The cold water scent rolled over her tongue as her mouth was slightly parted. 

Thistlestar came to a stop and Hollyhawk stopped at his side. Faithpaw came up on the deputy's right and her mouth fell fully open. In front of them was a small waterfall that flowed into the river below. Faithpaw's gasped as the moonlight shone down upon the water, the white light reflected off the water and shone on the cats in front of it. The water was alight with the stars above. Stars! Faithpaw's pelt fizzled. The cat that had lead her to the woods had stars in her pelt!

"It's time for me to share with StarClan now." Thistlestar announced. He took a few paces forward, the cool water curling around his ankles. He tucked his paws under him and he reached out his front paw. Thistlestar dabbed at the star-filled water with his white paw. Thistlestar then laid his head down on his paws and his breathing slowed, telling Faithpaw that he was asleep. 

"I'm going to go check on Ashpaw and Acornpaw, I'll be back." Hollyhawk murmured, brushing her tail along Faithpaw's flank as she turned and left, the water splashing in her wake.

Faithpaw waited until she couldn't hear the splashing anymore and she crept up to Thistlestar's side, her pelt was brushing his as she laid down next to him. She stretched out a paw and dipped it in the moon-bathed water just as Thistlestar had down. She felt tiredness tug at her and she rested her head on her paws. After a few moments, Faithpaw's eyes closed and she felt stars close in around her. 

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