Chapter 15

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"I know that you're hunting skills have improved but now it's time to see how you're fighting skills have progressed, Faithpaw." Thistlestar said. 

Faithpaw and Thistlestar were sitting in the Training Clearing with Acornpaw and Quickfern. Today there was a fighting assessment taking place. 

"We're going to have you both practice moves by yourselves and then you two can spare a few times." Quickfern explained.

Both apprentices nodded and went off to opposite sides of the clearing to practice. 

After a while of practicing, Acornpaw and Faithpaw were facing each other, their eyes glinting in anticipation.

"Okay, fight!" Thistlestar yowled from the side of the clearing, where he and Quickfern sat side-by-side, ready to assess their apprentices.

Acornpaw darted forward and aimed a blow at Faithpaw's cheek. Faith dodged it and rolled to the side, springing up a pawsteps away. Faithpaw leapt and barreled Acornpaw over. Acornpaw pummeled Faithpaw's stomach with her hind paws, while batting at her ears with her front.

Faithpaw kicked Acornpaw in the shoulder and then leapt away. She spun around and faced her opponent, her tail lashing.

Acornpaw scrambled to her paws, just as Faithpaw lunged forward with a yowl. Faithpaw swiped at Acornpaw's face. Acornpaw raised up her front paws and batted her paws away, blow for blow as Faithpaw made for another attack.

Suddenly, a white paw came into Faithpaw's vision and knocked her off of Acornpaw. Acornpaw raced over to her and they pressed against each other, crouching in defense positions, baring their teeth in snarls of anger.

Thistlestar chuckled above them as he motioned for Quickfern to join him. Quickfern smirked and stood up, padding over to stand behind the apprentices. Acornpaw spun around to face her mentor, keeping her flank brushing Faithpaw's.

"Let's see how you two partner fight, shall we." Thistlestar meowed.

Faithpaw glanced back at Acornpaw, who nodded. Faithpaw's eyes gleamed as she turned back to Thistlestar. Quickfern and Thistlestar lunged at the same time, and Faithpaw and Acornpaw reared up. Acornpaw had her head rested on Faithpaw's shoulder due to her being small and their backs were pressed against each other's. Faithpaw lashed out at her mentor with a sheathed paw. She landed a blow on his shoulder and Acornpaw had dropped to her paws, darted forward and back again as she pawed at Quickfern. Thistlestar brought his paw down of Faithpaw's stomach and she dropped to the ground, her stomach burning in pain. Acornpaw noticed this and twisted around, taking on Thistlestar. Faithpaw turned and blocked a blow from Quickfern and swept her tail under Quickfern's legs, knocking her off balance. Quickfern slumped to the ground and Faithpaw pounced, pinning her. Quickfern laid her head on the ground, admitting defeat. Faithpaw left her lying there, and turned around to help Acornpaw.

Acornpaw was ducking blows from Thistlestar and nipping at his paws as she bent down. Faithpaw reared up and swiped at his ears. Thistlestar backed up, shaking his head. Acornpaw took advantage of his distracted state and dove at him, nipping at his front and back legs. Faithpaw began pawing at her mentor's face once again. Thistlestar continued backing away and Acornpaw dove under him, one advantage to being small was being able to fit in small spaces. Acornpaw twisted and knocked Thistlestar over. Faithpaw yowled in triumph and pounced on him, wrapping her paws around his neck and body. Acornpaw leapt on his legs and her tiny body managed to pin them down.

"Great job, you two." Thistlestar panted, turning his head to smile at them.

Faithpaw and Acornpaw glanced at each other and beamed. Pride flowed through Faithpaw like a river. She had beaten her mentor, who was also the leader, in battle!

Acornpaw untangled herself from Thistlestar's legs and stood up, shaking out her pelt. Faithpaw got off of her mentor and stretched out her aching muscles.

"You both did wonderful. You're on your way to becoming skilled warriors." Quickfern praised, from where she sat by the brush wall, watching them proudly.

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