Chapter 11

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Faithpaw sat grooming herself beneath the Lone Oak tree, the morning sunshine warmed her black pelt.

"Hey!" A voice called to her. 

Faithpaw glanced up, one of her paws still raised. Ashpaw was padding over to her, his tail swishing back and forth.

"Hi." She purred, setting her paw on the ground. "How's Shadowpaw doing?"

"Ha! He's good. Just yelping like a dog about how his pelt hurts." Ashpaw replied, sitting beside her.

Faithpaw chuckled. The black tom had gone to Fallenwillow's den when they got back from the hunting patrol, complaining that his skin and pelt stung.

"So, there's a gathering tonight. Do you think you'll be going?" Ashpaw asked.

Faithpaw shrugged. "I hope so." 

"Stagpaw and Rainpaw have already been so maybe Acornpaw and us will get to go this time." Ashpaw replied.

"That would be great!"

Ashpaw nodded in agreement. "Oh, you got some messy fur there." Ashpaw licked his paw and rubbed it behind her ear. Faithpaw blinked at him gratefully, and Ashpaw smiled at her, lowering his paw. He held her gaze for a moment, his eyes glowed with something that Faithpaw couldn't put a word to. Ashpaw blinked and cleared his throat, stepping back.

"Thanks." Faithpaw said, flicking her ear.

Ashpaw gave her a small smile. "You're welcome."


Faithpaw glanced over her shoulder to see Thistlestar padding up to her and Ashpaw from his den.

"Good morning, Thistlestar." Faithpaw ducked her head to her mentor while Ashpaw flicked his tail in acknowledgement, as the leader came to stop in front of them.

"Morning you two." Thistlestar replied. "Faithpaw, I'll be taking you battle training."

"Now?" Faithpaw asked. Thistlestar nodded. "Awesome! I'll follow you then." 

"Alright, come on Faithpaw." He turned and started padding toward the camp entrance.

"See you later, Ashpaw." Faithpaw flicked his shoulder with her tail tip and bounded off after her mentor.

The two came to the Training Clearing. 

"Alright Faithpaw, are you ready?" Faithpaw nodded, her fur prickling with excitement. "Attack me then, claws sheathed." Thistlestar challenged, his eyes were bright.

Faithpaw leapt into the air with a yowl. She aimed for Thistlestar's head and back, with her paws outstretched. Thistlestar reared up on his hind legs and raised a paw. Faithpaw tried to turn but Thistlestar swung his paw down and sent Faithpaw crashing into the ground with a thud. Faithpaw got to her paws and shook her pelt. 

"Try again." Thistlestar suggested, stepping back. Faithpaw let out a small hiss and ran forward. Thistlestar crouched down, anticipating her attack. The black tortie she-cat swerved to the side and ran at Thistlestar from a different angle, her paws almost hit his side but he rolled forward and Faithpaw went head-first into the dirt.

"Ugh..." She growled, standing up and spitting dirt out of her mouth.

"How about I teach you a few moves to get you on the right track?" Thistlestar suggested.

"Yes please!" Faithpaw replied, her tail beginning to swish.

"Okay. I'm going to pounce you and I want you to paw at my exposed belly." Thistlestar explained.

Faithpaw nodded and Thistlestar leapt at her, Faithpaw let herself get tackled and she swiped her front and back paws down Thistlestar's stomach.

"Good." Thistlestar got off of her and nosed her to her paws. "That move you used is called the Belly Rake. It's a good move to use if your pinned down because the Belly Rake will put you back in control, quickly. If your claws had been unsheathed you could have done some real damage to me." Thistlestar explained. 

"I'll teach you a quick defense move to help you avoid any attacks." Faithpaw nodded. "This next move is called the Duck and Twist. You duck and twist around, roll onto your back and then spring to your paws when you're a little ways away." Thistlestar explained. "Try it now." Thistlestar lunged forward and aimed a blow at the side of Faithpaw's head. Faithpaw ducked the blow and twisted to the side, she dropped over onto her back and rolled away, collecting leaves and twigs as she scrambled to her paws.

"Good job." Thistlestar nodded to her, as Faithpaw scratched the twigs and leaves from her fur. "Are you ready for another practice battle?" He asked. 

Faithpaw's eyes glowed with the sign of challenge. "Yes I am."

Thistlestar signaled for Faithpaw to start, with a flick of his tail.

Faithpaw flew at him, her paws outstretched. Thistlestar slid out of the way and Faithpaw skidded on the ground, she dug her claws into the earth and spun around. Thistlestar ran forward. Faithpaw kicked off the ground just before he reached her. She dropped onto her mentor's back and wrapped her back legs around his mid-section, she used her front paws to cuff his ears. Thistlestar rolled to the side in an effort to crush her between himself and the ground but Faithpaw leapt out of the way. She noticed that the gray tom's stomach was exposed. Faithpaw brought her paws down repeatedly on his belly and Thistlestar grunted in pain. The gray tom lashed out with his back legs and caught Faithpaw on the shoulder. She darted a paw out and hit the side of Thistlestar's face. He fastened a paw around her leg and tugged. Faithpaw fell to the ground and Thistlestar sprang up, planting every paw on either side of her. Faithpaw stared up at him, hissing quietly and cursing. She tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he only tightened it. Faithpaw sighed and laid her head onto the soft grass beneath her. Thistlestar got off of her and Faithpaw stood up, her tail lashing in annoyance.

"You put up quite the fight, Faithpaw. I must congratulate you on your fighting skills." Thistlestar praised, licking her between the ears. Faithpaw accepted his praise with a small purr. "Let's get home so we both can rest our tired muscles before the gathering." Faithpaw nodded and followed Thistlestar back to camp.

The two cats padded back into camp. 

"Oh, Faithpaw." Thistlestar meowed, looking over his shoulder at her. "You, Ashpaw, and Acornpaw can all come to the gathering tonight. You three have earned it, you've all been working hard." 

"Awesome! Thank you Thistlestar!" Faithpaw replied, her excitement levels rising. Thistlestar smiled and padding away toward Hollyhawk, who was coming in through the dirtplace tunnel.

Faithpaw found Ashpaw and Acornpaw sitting in the Apprentice's den. Rainpaw, Stagpaw, and Shadowpaw were not in. "Ashpaw, Acornpaw, guess what?"

The two apprentices looked at her, confused. "We're all going to the gathering tonight!" Faithpaw announced, a smile growing on her face. 

"Yay!" Acornpaw cheered.

"Awesome!" Ashpaw meowed. "We'd better get something to eat before we head out. We can talk about how your training today went too, Faithpaw."

"Yeah!" Faithpaw agreed, following her friends out of the den.

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