Chapter 2

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Faith curled her tail around her body. She was lying on a large thing. A couch? Faith didn't really pay attention to the things her owner's had, all that much. 

Her owners were eating in the other room and meowing about the day's going-on's. The setting sun streamed through the window, making her owner's faces bright.

Faith could see the forest beyond the grassy clearing. It looked as inviting as ever, Faith raised her head and gazed at it, her curiosity and wonder levels rising. 

Faith sighed and lowered her head back down, resting it on her paws, and drifting back into slumber.

A paw swiped with unsheathed claws at Faith's head. She ducked and rolled to the side. There was a black tom looming over her, silhouetted against the moon behind him, the moon looked as if it had been bathed in blood. The red light bore down on Faith and the mysterious cat. The cat lunged at her again, his teeth bared in a furious snarl. Faith thrust out her back legs and sent the tom flying. The cat shot up and came barreling toward her. Faith darted forward and met the tom head on. Their bodied slammed together with a crash. Faith wrapped all her paws around the tom, struggling to get him down to the ground. The tom's teeth were growing nearer to her throat.

Suddenly, a blinding light engulfed Faith and she opened her eyes to a grassy clearing. The clearing was surrounded by a barrier of bracken and bushes. There was a large oak tree in the back of the clearing where two cats were standing beneath it, sharing tongues. There were many cats in this clearing. Some where surrounding a pile of prey, boasting about their kills, while another was sorting plants outside of a large boulder with a entrance carved out. Faith gazed around, taking all of it in. None of the cats seemed to see her. Then suddenly, a gray tom with white paws and green eyes, the color of the tree leaves above them, turned his head and seemed to stare directly at Faith, who was standing in the center of the clearing, in shock. The tom held her gaze, his eyes containing confusion and unanswered questions. The tom blinked a few times and then gave her the slightest nod of his head. 

Darkness closed in on Faith and she awoke with a start. Faith was back in her home, no grass beneath her paws, no fresh forest air filling her lungs, and she was grateful, no tom attacking her in the light of a blood-bathed moon. That dream had felt so real. Was it...?

Faith was breathing hard, her fur was crackling with static, her heart was racing. She stood up and arched her back, sending a ripple along her spine. Faith leapt down from the small couch. It was dark out and her owners were sleeping the night away. The kittypet padded through the house to a small room in the back of the house. One of the back doors was open, her owners must've left it open on accident. 

Faith cautiously padded up to the other door, which she could see the outside world through. The cool, night air seeped through a crack below and it tickled Faith's fur. Faith closed her eyes and exhaled slowly. She settled herself on the ground, she couldn't get to sleep, not now, not after her dream. Faith tucked her paws under herself and replayed her dream in her mind, until the sun began to creep over the horizon.

Faith opened her eyes to a breeze flowing through her whiskers. She must have dozed off anyways. Faith sat up, every piece of fur on her pelt on end. The other door was open! Faith's heart speed up and her breathing quickened. She closed her eyes and opened them again after a few moments. The door was still open. Sunlight, warmth, scents of the outside were all around Faith. They seemed to call out, just like they always had. They were beckoning her to come, to follow her feeling, to follow her dreams.

Faith squinted and saw the faintest, almost invisible, outline of a cat, stars glinted off of their fur. They smiled at Faith and stood, waving their tail at the kittypet. Faith blinked in shock, shaken with disbelief. Come. It's time. The wind seemed to whisper.

Faith rose to her paws, her mind whirling. She wanted this so badly. Faith took a deep breath in and out. She stole a quick glance back into the house, that she had lived in her entire life. She turned back to the starry outline of the she-cat, and without another moment of hesitation, of waiting, of wondering, she followed the starry cat.

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