Chapter 9

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Faithpaw's eyes fluttered open as the warm sunlight shone brightly through the hole in the trunk of the Apprentice's den. 

Yesterday afternoon had gone great. Faithpaw had gotten to try her first bit of real prey. It was a mouse and it was delicious! Thistlestar had also promised that she would get a tour of territory tomorrow and it was now tomorrow!

Faithpaw stood up and brushed scraps of moss from her pelt. She looked around at the other apprentices in the den with her. Ashpaw was curled up in his nest, with his tail tip resting on his muzzle. Acornpaw was throwing a ball of moss in the air and catching it as it fell back to the ground. Faithpaw giggled as she jumped out of the den and into the clearing.

Hollyhawk was sitting on one of the roots of Lone Oak with a small ring of warriors around her and Stagpaw and Rainpaw were there too. 

"Bluewillow, I want to you to take Rainpaw, Speckleshade, and Copperfeather on a hunting patrol to Fern Hollow. Blackwillow, take Raggedstorm, and Stagpaw to Basking Stones and patrol there." Hollyhawk meowed, waving her tail toward the entrance to camp. The two patrols filed past Faithpaw as she padded over to the Lone Oak.

Hollyhawk noticed her and flicked an ear in acknowledgement. "Thistlestar will be with you shortly." 

Faithpaw ducked her head. "Alright."

Hollyhawk got to her paws and padded off as Thistlestar approached them. 

"Today Faithpaw, I will be taking you on a tour of FernClan's territory. You'll need to know it if you want to be a good warrior."

"Okay. I'm ready." Faithpaw replied, excitement making her pelt frizzle.

The two cats arrived at a grassy clearing surrounded by brush. The sun filtered through the tree branches and warmed the clearing below.

"This is the Training Clearing, it's where most of the apprentice's battle training takes place." Thistlestar explained, waving his tail around the hollow.

Faithpaw nodded and followed Thistlestar as he left the clearing.

The rocks felt warm beneath Faithpaw's pads. Tiny sharp pebbles pricked her paws. The river water lapped against the bank.

"These are the Basking Stones. This is the border between us and CreekClan, the river acts as a natural border." Thistlestar meowed, pointing at the river with his tail. "It's the job of the border patrols to keep our borders safe and secure." He nodded to Blackwillow's patrol, further down the boulders.

After seeing if the border patrol had marked the border with FernClan scent, Thistlestar and Faithpaw moved on. They came to a large tree that looked to be several twolegs tall. 

"This is the Grand Oak." Thistlestar said, gazing up into its high branches where a squirrel was stuffing acorns in a hole in the wide trunk. "It's a great hunting place for any creature that lives in the trees above our heads." 

"When can I learn how to hunt?" Faithpaw asked, glancing over at the gray tom.

"Soon." Thistlestar replied, a smile appearing on his face. "Anyway, there's two more important spots I want to show you before we move onto the borders. Follow me."

Faithpaw came up to Thistlestar's side as he came to a stop. "Where are we?" She asked, looking around.

"This place is called Fern Hollow." He padded into a small hollow surrounded by trees and bracken. "It's a great hunting place for almost any kind of forest prey." 

Faithpaw nodded as she caught sight of Rainpaw creeping up on a finch. She waggled her hunches and leapt. She landed squarely on the finch and sunk her teeth into the bird's neck. The finch went limp.

"Great catch, Rainpaw!" Coppperfeather called, his copper colored pelt shining in the newleaf sun.

"Come on." Thistlestar meowed, breaking her contact as he touched his tail tip to Faithpaw's shoulder.

"Okay." Faithpaw replied as she padded after him, as he left the hollow.

Faithpaw's mouth fell open as they came to stop at the top of a rise overlooking a large hollow, surrounded by four, great, birch trees.

"This place is called Four Birches. This is where the four territories of the clans meet. The clans come here for a meeting under the truce of the full moon every time the moon is at its fullest." Thistlestar explained. "That boulder in the back is called the Great Boulder. It's where the leaders sit when gatherings are going on. On the ground to the side is where the medicine cats sit and at the base is where the deputies sit."

"Wow." Faithpaw murmured as she gazed around.

After touring the borders, Faithpaw walked back into camp.

"That's all for today. Go get some rest." Thistlestar said, running his tail along her spine.

Faithpaw nodded as Thistlestar padded off. The two patrols from earlier had returned and many of the clan were out in out in clearing, eating prey, sharing tongues, and talking about the day's going-on's.

"You look tired." Ashpaw called from beside the Apprentice's den.

Faithpaw turned and padded over to him. "I am."

"What did you think of FernClan's territory?"

"I loved it! It was honestly everything I imagined and more!" Faithpaw squealed, her tail swishing back and forth across the grass.

"Great! We're lucky to live here, aren't we?" Ashpaw replied.

"Yes, very lucky." Faithpaw agreed.

"I'll let you go so you can do something else." Ashpaw said, turning to go.

"Hey, wait!" Faithpaw meowed. Ashpaw glanced over his shoulder at her. "Share a mouse with me?" She asked, hopefully.

Ashpaw smiled and lead her to the Prey Pile where a plump mouse was waiting for them.

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