Chapter 14

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The warm sunlight filtered through the trees that swayed in the morning breeze ever so slightly. Today, every mentor had agreed to assess all the apprentices in hunting.

"Alright, apprentices, listen up." Quickfern meowed. "As you all know by now, today we will assessing the hunting skills of each of you. You will be put into pairs of two for this hunting assessment. When Bluewilllow tells you your partner, go to them." 

Every apprentice nodded and Bluewillow took a couple paces forward. "Rainpaw, you'll be with Stagpaw, Shadowpaw with Acornpaw, and Faithpaw and Ashpaw." The apprentices moved around so they were beside their hunting partner. "Alright, get to hunting and remember, show us your best because we will be watching." Bluewillow flicked her tail and the each pair moved out into the forest.

"So, where are we hunting?" Ashpaw asked, when they were a ways away from the other groups.

"How about the Grand Oak? We could probably impress our mentors that way. And we could get more experience in tree climbing." Faithpaw replied.

"Good idea. Come let's go! I'll race you!" Ashpaw laughed and took off running.

"You're on!" Faithpaw called as she shot off after him.

Faithpaw could see Ashpaw ahead of her, his tail disappearing through the undergrowth. She could see the Grand Oak looming in front of them. Faithpaw put a few extra bursts of speed and she drew closer to Ashpaw. They were nose to nose but with one final lung, Ashpaw touched the trunk first.

"You're fast.." Faithpaw gasped, her flanks heaving.

"You're not so bad yourself." Ashpaw smiled warmly at her.

"Let's get to hunting." Faithpaw said, regaining her breath.

"Mhm." Ashpaw replied, nodding at her. 

Faithpaw pricked her ears and tasted the air around her. The leaves rustled above and both apprentices looked up. There was a sparrow hopping on a branch in the Grand Oak. Faithpaw glanced at Ashpaw, who nodded at her to go. She smiled and began climbing the tree as quietly as she could. She was about to leap when one of her paws slipped, sending a twig clattering to the ground. The sparrow chirped loudly and started to lift off, but as fast as lightning, Ashpaw shot up the tree just as the sparrow flew up. He leapt over Faithpaw with outstretched claws toward the sparrow, he sunk his teeth into the sparrow's neck. With the limp bird clamped in his jaws, Ashpaw landed on the branch below the one Faithpaw was on.

Faithpaw peered over the edge of the branch. "I swear you like a squirrel." She meowed. Ashpaw opened his jaws and let the sparrow fall to the ground. 

"Perhaps." He shrugged, chuckling.

Faithpaw laughed and climbed back down the tree, Ashpaw followed after her.

Once on the ground, Ashpaw had his ears pricked and he was looking around. "There's a mouse over there." He whispered, angling his ears toward a bush at the base of the tree. "Here's what we'll do, you scare it out and I'll kill it, okay?" 

"Okay." Faithpaw replied, beginning to creep around the tree toward the bush. She let out a yowl and sprung into the leaves. The mouse went squeaking in terror out of its branches. She chased after it and Ashpaw gave it a killing blow to the neck. 

Faithpaw attempted to stop herself, but her paws sent her colliding into Ashpaw, knocking the mouse away from them. Faithpaw looked up at him, her heart pounded and her fur felt really warm as she realized how close they were. Ashpaw's tail was curled around her back legs, and one of Faithpaw's front paws was resting on his shoulder. Their noses were brushing against each others, and their breath met between them. Ashpaw held her gaze throughout everything and Faithpaw could see affection shimmering in their blue depths. A happy smile grew on his lips.

Suddenly, a crack made both of them jump apart. Faithpaw spun around, her tail bushing out and her eyes darting in every direction. Ashpaw was crouched in a defense position, his eyes and ears alert.

Faithpaw opened her jaws and tasted the air. "Fox!" She hissed. Then as if on cue, a orange cat-like creature threw itself out of the undergrowth and darted toward their mouse. Faithpaw shot forward, her claws unsheathing and her eyes narrowing. Ashpaw was by her side in an instant. Faithpaw slid under the fox's belly and turned to the side, raking its exposed stomach with her claws. Faithpaw rolled to the side as the fox yelped. Ashpaw had kicked the mouse back toward the squirrel and was now slashing his claws down the animal's face. Faithpaw leapt onto the fox's back and cuffed its ears with sheathed paws. The fox threw her off and sent her falling onto Ashpaw, they both rolled away as the fox turned tail and ran off into the bushes.

Ashpaw was lying on top of Faithpaw. "Uh, could you get up, Ashpaw?" Faithpaw asked, after a moment.

Ashpaw looked down at her and his eyes widened when he realized the position they were in. "Oh, uh, yeah sure." He stammered, clambering off of her. 

Faithpaw got to her paws and shook out her fur. 

"Are you hurt?" Ashpaw asked, his eyes trailing down her body.

Faithpaw shook her head. "No, are you?"

"No." Ashpaw replied.

"Should we get back to hunting then?" Faithpaw asked, looking at him.

Ashpaw nodded and sent her a smile.

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