Chapter 8

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Faithpaw glanced around the camp, taking it all in, from the dens to the boundary. This was her home now. 

Suddenly, a bundle of fur came racing up to her. Faithpaw twisted to the side and the cat went careening into the bracken thicket with a crash.

"Great StarClan, Acornpaw! The barrier doesn't need to be destroyed by your over-excitement!" A cat yowled.

"Sorry!" The she-cat scrambled to her paws and bounded back to Faithpaw, almost knocking into her again.

Acornpaw was a petite she-cat with reddish-brown fur and dark brown paws, her eyes were a shining green. "Hi!" She chirped as she plunked her rump down in front of Faithpaw.

"Hello." Faithpaw replied, smiling.

Acornpaw stretched her muzzle forward and breathed in. "Wow, their right, you do smell like a kittypet." She scrunched up her nose a little. "Anyways, I'm Acornpaw!" 

"Faithpaw." Faithpaw replied, still getting used to the way her new name rolled off of her tongue.

"Hehe, I know!" Acornpaw smiled.

"Oh, good." Thistlestar meowed, padding up to them. "Ashpaw!" He called across the clearing. The dark gray tom looked up, with an eyebrow raised. "Come over here!" Thistlestar waved his tail. 

Ashpaw got to his paws and bounded across the clearing to where they were. "Yeah?"

"I want you and Acornpaw to show Faithpaw around the camp." Thistlestar explained, gesturing at Faithpaw with his tail.

Ashpaw glanced at Faithpaw and Acornpaw, who was bouncing up and down, her eyes wide with excitement. "Alright."

"Get to it then. And Acornpaw?" Acornpaw looked over at Thistlestar. "Don't try to destroy any more of the camp." Thistlestar chuckled softly and padded away.

"Alrighty! You ready?" Acornpaw glanced over at Faithpaw, who nodded in reply. "Woo! Let's go! Rawr!" Acornpaw then spun around and took off at a run, like a bird taking flight.

Faithpaw stole a glance at Ashpaw, who rolled his eyes with an amused smile dangled on his lips. He padded more slowly after Acornpaw and Faithpaw followed him.

"Alright! This is Warrior's den!" Acornpaw dove in front of the entrance to a bush, laying on her back and tucking her paws above her over her chest, while her back legs were hanging in the air. She twisted her head and sent Faithpaw a toothy grin. 

"This is where all the warriors sleep and hang around after long days of hunting and patrolling." Ashpaw explained. He poked his nose into the den over Acornpaw's twisted body. "Oh hello, Quickfern!" He meowed a greeting to a light brown furred she-cat with dark green eyes.

The she-cat flicked an ear in reply and cocked an eyebrow at Acornpaw's weird pose. "What in the name of StarClan are you doing, Acornpaw?"

"I call it The Ferret!" Acornpaw meowed, beaming up at the older cat.

Quickfern closed her eyes and shook her head in mock-disappointment. "What am I going to do with you?" She muttered, nudging Acornpaw to her feet.

"Anyway!" Acornpaw squeaked, ignoring the older cat. "Take a peek inside!" She pointed at the bush with her nose.

Faithpaw padded forward, past Acornpaw and Quickfern, and poked her head in the den. The Warrior's den was rather roomy with nests of moss and bracken ringing the den, all the way to the center, where the stem of bush was. There were a few cats curled up in their nests due to early patrolling. Faithpaw backed out and turned to Acornpaw.

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