Chapter 6

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Faith heard rustling and glanced back, seeing that Thistlestar had caught up to them. His green eyes were bright and he took the lead, after sending a quick smile at Faith.

Faith was swiveling her head around like an owl, her neck beginning to ache. The forest was beautiful. It was peaceful, the birds chirped in the lush trees above the cat's heads and the chatter of squirrels reached Faith's ears as they scrambled along the tree branches, in a hurry to collect assorted nuts.

Faith's claws twitched and her paws trailed across the soft grass and stray leaves that were scattered on the ground.

Ashpaw noticed her excitement and let out a small chuckle as he drew himself up to Raggedstorm's side.

Hollyhawk was murmuring things to Thistlestar as she kept throwing glances back at Faith, which the young she-cat ignored. 

Faith's legs longed to run off and sniff and search everything around her but she forced herself to stay with the group. 

"We're getting close to our camp now." Thistlestar meowed, glancing back at Faith.

"Is your clan camp and territory large?" Faith asked, scrambled over some twigs as she bounded up to Thistlestar's other side.

"If your dream is correct, you've seen our camp." Thistlestar replied with a glint of amusement in his eyes. "As for our territory, it can support us and is fairly sized."

Faith nodded and continued to gaze around, taking in the forest's beauty. The black tortoiseshell's ears pricked up as she heard a small animal move close by. Faith turned to see a mouse carrying a few grass stalks in its mouth. Without thinking twice about it, Faith took off after it, hearing the surprised hisses from Raggedstorm and Hollyhawk behind her. The mouse was running quickly across the forest floor. Faith tore behind it, her back claws tearing up the dirt as she ran in an effort to catch it. Faith swerved around a tree trunk and slammed her paw down on the small creature. The mouse's wriggled out of her grasp and took off again. Faith let out an annoyed hiss and continued chasing it. Faith darted around yet another tree and saw a flash of gray fur. Thistlestar darted forward and dug his front claws into the mouse's body, it let out a terrified squeak as its eyes stretched wide.

"You'll be great hunter one day with some training in stalking techniques." Thistlestar smiled at her with amusement shimmering in his green eyes.

Faith snorted and glanced down at the mouse that was trapped between Thistlestar's claws. "Are you going to kill it?" She asked. 

Thistlestar shook his head. "You can." He meowed, retracting his claws and the mouse darted off. Faith ran forward and gave it a swift bite to the neck. Faith felt fresh blood flow into her mouth. The mouse squeaked for a moment and then it went limp. Faith lifted her head and looked up at Thistlestar who was smiling proudly down at her.

"Let's get back to the group." He said, flicking his tail back in the direction of where they had came.

Faith nodded and let Thistlestar pick the mouse. She bounded after him as they ran back to the group.

Faith's Journey - Book One (Warriors Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now