Chapter 7

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Faith and Thistlestar pushed through the undergrowth and saw Hollyhawk, Raggedstorm, and Ashpaw standing right where they had left them. 

Hollyhawk's eyes narrowed at the mouse in Thistlestar's jaws. "You caught that when you were looking for the kittypet?" She raised an eyebrow. 

Thistlestar dropped the limp creature and shook his head. "Faith was chasing it and I kept it still for her while she killed it herself." He turned to the smaller cat with his face glowing with pride.

"Let's continue on then." Raggedstorm growled, his amber eyes narrowed.

Thistlestar nodded and took the lead, leaving Ashpaw to pick up the mouse and run after Raggedstorm.

After a while, Thistlestar came to a halt.

"Are we here?" Faith asked, padding up to his side and saw a wall of bracken in front of them.

Thistlestar nodded.

"Use your nose kittypet, you must be able to smell our scent. Or are you too soft that your senses have failed." Raggedstorm sneered, rolling his eyes at Faith, earning a shove from Hollyhawk.

Faith scowled at him. "Of course I can scent things. I am a cat, aren't I?" She hissed at the dark brown tabby. 

Ashpaw let out a snort of laughter, causing Raggedstorm to shoot him a glare.

Faith raised her nose and sniffed. She scented cats beyond the wall of bracken. "I can scent cats." 

"Good." Thistlestar meowed. "Come on in." He pushed through a gap in a wall of bracken and Raggedstorm, Hollyhawk, and Ashpaw followed after him.

Faith felt excitement pulse through her and she smiled and she ducked into the camp. Her mouth fell agape as her eyes took in all that surrounded her. There were dens ringed around the camp, a pile of dead creatures, and giant tree near the back. Just like her dream!

Faith felt the gazes of the cats turn to Thistlestar who was padded through the camp toward the large oak tree. Faith padded after the group.

Thistlestar jumped and dug his claws into the large oak tree's bark. He climbed up the trunk and sat on one of the many twisting branches.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Lone Oak for a clan meeting!" Thistlestar yowled. 

At his call, cats started padding out of the dens, toward the Lone Oak, and those that were already in the clearing came over.

"I'm sure that most of you've have seen or heard of the cat we brought back with us today." Thistlestar started when the clan had gathered.

"Yeah, she smells like a kittpet." 

"A kittypet? In our clan?"

"There have been times of kittypets joining the clans. Think of Duskstar."

"This isn't the time for your talks of the founders, Rainpaw. That was their time and this is our time."

Faith shifted on her paws, her fur bristling slightly.

"Quiet!" Thistlestar meowed. "This cat wishes to become a warrior. Why should we deny her that? I know that this is a surprise for all of you, but please learn to accept this cat. She will make a great warrior, if StarClan wishes it." Thistlestar meowed. "Faith, step forward please." He beckoned her with a sweep of his tail.

Faith took a deep breath and padded up to the base of the Lone Oak. The clan cats stepped backward, stunned and confused. 

"From this moment on, until you become a warrior, you will be known as Faithpaw." Thistlestar continued. "You have spirit, Faithpaw. I am honored to mentor you myself." Thistlestar made his way down the oak tree and came to halt in front of Faithpaw. "Touch your nose to mine." He murmured, lowering his head. Faithpaw eagerly brushed her muzzle against his nose.

"Faithpaw, Faithpaw, Faithpaw!" The cats around the clearing yowled her name respectful. Some meows were still filled with confusion.

"Meeting dismissed." Thistlestar hollered as the yowling died down. The cats began to disperse among the clearing.

"Welcome to Fernclan, Faithpaw." Thistlestar purred in her ear, resting his head on top of her's.

I'm in the wild! I'm an apprentice! This is what I've waited for! Faithpaw thought, excitement prickled through her fur, all the way to her claw tips.

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