Chapter 15

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~In the Meantime At Posedion city~

Sir Galahad Silver P.O.V:

As we walk back to the HeadQuarder i keep asking some question but they give me all the same answer, i notice that Mephlise wasn't with us i look back to see him standing there alone watching us going, i stop and walk back toward him before he go and grab his hands taking him with us, Shadow make a weird face sure he didn't like it that he come with us but if it's my special day than i want him to be with me, he sigh defeat and let him coming with us, he cheek turn to dark grey i guess he was blushing as he keep holding our hands.

As we arrive there, Blaze grab a piece of tissue and warp my eyes with it  as she gently and carfully push me to walk straight, for a minute or two, the stop me walking and all left leaving me alone and tel me to remove it and once i did 

" SURPRISE!!!!!!"


I couldn't belive my eyes, the whole crew was here,  i was so surprise that i couldn't move, I felt Mephlise gently pushing me in toward the tables where the rectangle  white cake with many smal head of Ivo-Bots and a little figuring of meon the corner of the cake both made of candy, ther's also writing "Happy Birthday Young Hero" on it, before i blow the candles Mephlise tell to close my eyes and make a wish, everyone clap as Espio cut the cake and share with everyone. 

I was so happy that they didn't forget about my birthday, usualy i don't celebrate it since i was really busy with the training, Shadow was the one who get the idea, i wasn't expecting that from him, he usually never do or join any party or anything like that unless it's a royal one.

~Few Hours Later~

The party went amazing, we dance, sing, play some ridiculous games but you what the cool, i finally can drink some of the Alcohole, Ievery time we went to a bar i never allowed to dribk any of this and if i try Knuckles will sure make me regret it but today Mr Muscle bring a cup of many diffrent Alcohol and let me tasted i don't how many shot i drink but i keep going  until i couldn't stand anymore and then as everyone were with me more drunk than me , i saw Shadow Talking to Mephlis i couldn't hear what they said nor see them since it was so blurry, i went to Mephlise because i wanna to tell him something really important 

Mephlise P.O.V:

Shadow: " i just want to thank you for earlier, we wouldn't find him, but where did you find him ? and how did you get my number? "

Mephlise: " Dark Magic ! * left a eyebrow and smirk a little* what's up Cus? did you forgot who you are ? and how to use you power"

Shadow: " i didn't use my power since i left the Doom Kingdom and become a light knight, and i rather not use it "

Mephlise: " well i'm not gonna ask why you don't, but just remember that you still can use them, you may need it like today* friendly wink* beside did like the gift that i give ya two months ago? don't tell me that you didn't see it? "

Shadow: " * look well to be fair i totally forgot about it and didn't have the time to see it?  what's it anyway?"

Mephlies: " * sigh* well it's a C.E.S  it's one of the old technologie found on the surface"

Shadow: " ok and what's a C.E.S ? * look at him confuse*"

Mephlise: " a 'C.E.S'  it's stand for ' Choas Emerauld Seeker', this was build to find the Choas Emerauld around the world, and those are the most powerfull gem in this kingdom, it even say that once we get all together it created the-"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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