Chapter 11

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~The Next Morning at the dawn time~

Silver P.O.V:

We're ready to go even if i don't want to wake at all, the bed's so comfy and the breackfast was so delisiouse too, but duty's calling us we're now in the back truck where the weapon are hidding, Mihghty drivz directy to where the resistance are just few minutes we where there, he hide the truck forst before letting us live the place.

He take a bracelet look like the same that Infinite give us but it have a Aligator symbol instead on the Infinite symbol, the door open and he let us in before he enter, the room look like a private detective desk room we see in the movie with a lot of pics of many criminal, but cought our attention was king Ivo pic and  weird mobian that i never seen before i guess it's the dude that Mighty told us before.

As we enter we heard a conversation between two people, but once Mighty  call someone Espio  they both stop and he Run to the purple cameleon and hug him very thighly as Espio i suppose was blushing really hard, problably becaus ehe saw us looking at him poor guy we make himfeel unconfortable

After the presentation Vector went straight to the subject, we told him about Infinite plan and the Ammo Dump, of course he know that so Espio give us a security pass that he stole from Ivo-Bots guard he show us where to go as he give us some explosive equipment and we went there escaping the Ivo-Bots and once there we seperated in two team Espio  and Mighty  will distract the guard while we get inside and place those bomb in the core of the ammo dump which it's too easy for us.

Mighty grab his two handed heavy mass and Espio turn himself invisible then they went there, with his heavy mass he deadly hit one of those guard as for Espio he use his tail and warp five Guard-bot and squeezes very hard until they explodes, damn how strong is his tail!!!, they start chassing them as we went inside the building as we arrive to the core room Blaze and Knuckles went on the stand guard while Shadow and I place the bombs, This is gonna be fun

Sir Shadow Lancelot P.O.V:

After putting the bombs we were about to leave until i heard a sound pretty famillar to me, i notice that there's a screen of a secuirity camera showing two Ivo-bots Guard, also two dark creatures with something like armurs and capsule with little creature, I can't believe it these dark creature are Dark Gaia what are they doing here?, Sliver manage to make the image more clear and even activat the mic so we can hear them

Ivo-Bots: " These Capsules are latest shipmennt of Wisps, the King Ivo saaid takke them and get out !* angry tone as they point their weapon on them as they start growling*"

Silver: " what are those gooie dark things? * disgust look*"

Shadow those are Dark Gaia, and they are from my knigdom* look at screen consern*"

Silver: " From your kingdom!!!!? But what are they doing here?"

Shadow: " I don't know Sil, and what the Ivo-Bots are giving them wisps?"

Silver: " don't know either but we better get out of here because... I... *  Start weating* i accidently activated the bombs * show him the detonator* Oups"

Once i saw it we start running out of here with Knuckles and Blaze behind us, we were close to one of their large window  and jump but the bombs already explose pushing all of us out throught the window crushing all on each other, I was on the top of Knuckles who was on the top of Blaze who was also on the top of Silver, poor guy he was smash like a pancake.

In our way back to the resistance we told them our discovery, i don't like that those Dark Gaia are know as the lowest level in our society, why did they have this armor? who build them? i feel something bad is gonna happen soon, i didn't notice that we already arrive there in front Vector Desk

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