Chapter 09

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~Meanwhile on the other side of the city~

Sir Knuckles Galaha P.O.V:

Finally we find all the neccesary we need for the trip, me and Blaze decide to come back and  wait for them at the Regalia, while we walk i saw a little restaurent that buy some sandwish so I buy few for the trip and two other for me and Blaze, as we walk i eat my sandwish and look around of this city but Blaze didn't eat not not even a bit when i ask her what's wrong and she talk about Silver mood today ad she worry about him, she always be like a big sister to Silver always behind him to catch him in any trouble he put himself.

Well of course i told her everything and he's now fine, she sigh of releave and eat her sandwish once we arrive Shadow and Silver were already here waiting for us so we take our road to the Train Station close to the beach,  it took a hour or two take the Regalia to the last car on the train and take our place and wait until the train start, Silver bring his computer and his camera, Shadow on his glass tablet looking at some information on this city as for blaze she bring her book and start reading it after wearing her small glasses and me well i decide to take a nap until we arrive there.

~Few Hours Later~

Sir Shadow Lancelot P.O.V:

Everyone were busy doing thier own thing as for me well i was looking the music box remembering this old song that Lady Tikal use to sing to the prince and me too, if only i have the key i could hear it one more time, i'm starring to forget those lyrics and this melodie too, i put it back on my bag back and leave them for quite of time, my legs hurt me from seatting to long, i walk on the hallway of the train arriving to shop car train section, i decide to look around just to see.

I saw many cool things i could buy for my siblings, i found  some perfums and and blue ocean mug with a draw of a blond human mermaid sitting on a rock on it, it remind of my sister Maria i decide to buy it and for my little annoying brother Eclipse, i buy funny black T-shirt with " Super Annoying Little Brother" on it in white and a note book with a pen that look like a feather so he can write some of his though like he always do, and finally my dad, the king doom, i didn't find anything for him but i found a golden pandentif with a huge red Garnet on the middle were we could add picture i hope he will like it, i could add a picture of all of us on it

As i finish buying stuff i feel a weird present behind me, once i turn i found no one but i still feel it somehow, i put everything on my back bag and walk back to my team's car train, i really don't like this feeling at all and i'm sure that something bad will happen pretty soon? As i walk back there i hear some people talking, arguring, cries, laugh, pretty annoying sound should i say.

Before  i arrive there i stop on car train where there's sort of balcony and look this Fantastic Aquatic View, i take a Cigarette that i hide from everyone, but i didn't have lighter and find either, i hear voices of a couples of womens laughing i look at them together loving each other talking about everything, flirting too, i wonder if i marry the losten prince, would we be like these two? would we love each other until that ages? would he like me First? what if he don't like me at all ? or worst what he's with someone and don't want to come with me? nor Marry Ma either ? what's gonna happen to the kingdom? argh those question hurt my head

I feel a little tap on my shoulder i turn looking at a Armadillo with a Coboy hat , and brown shoes and fingerless brown gloves too with some black black belt on both of his shoes and glove, he turn on his lighter and pass it to me and i turn on mine than his, we start somking watching the view, he recieve a call nd i heard a voice of a little kid on his phone, he tell him that he'll bring with him a little suprise then hang off his phone 

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