Chapter 02

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~The Next Morning Day~

Sir Silver Galahad P.O.V: 

The bed was comfotable that i didn't want to wake up nor move but Knux grab my blanket Pulled very hard that make me fall in the bed , i hate when he do thati feel a wave a cold breeze frozing me body, the sun didn't rise up yet what time is it ? i look at my phone and it was 4h30 AM, what ! why should we wake up that time i just want to sleep but we have to take our road i hate that 

I smell a deliciouse smell of warm coffee and some cake, even i want to sleep more i can let them eat everything like Knuckles always do because i'm youngest one and the smol one too, not fair so i went to the bathroom take a quick shower and join them but the table was empty only coffee was there, i look around and didn't find it not even crumb

I was so piss as they all look away kinda holding thier laugh, i look at knux who looking away from me and i sit having a death glare at him knowing excatly what he did, so i just sit and drink my coffee still mad, i can still heard Shadow and Blaze holding their laugh as i drink my coffee also Knux did it too, when ask me what's wrong still holding i just drink my coffee, he bring a plate full of the small deliciouse cake, he didn't he just hide it judt to see piss, really funny

After the deliciouse breackfast we went to the garage where we see Tils sitting on the driver place, taking our New Regalia out of it, the car is way better than the first time, add a lot of cool things too, he say that if we find or want new upgrades we can alwas come back here, we jump on our Regalia and take our road to who know where

~Few Hours Later ~ 

Sir Knuckles Gwain P.O.V: 

The time pass really slow, waiting until we arrive there was boring, we stop sometime for a walk or sometime and Silver still with camera always taking picture of everything he see, but i got to admit that he have such a amazing photographer talent, Prince Shadow spend his time looking at this music box he still thinking about the losten prince, poor guy he got the responsibilyity about finding the prince for such a young age.

The time and we pass to many villages all have the same answer " Chuck the hedghog isn't here he problably on another village"  what's wrong with this Chuck can't he stay still so you can find easily, anyway his movent to a villaage to anotheer it's pretty suspicious, a old man traveling from a village to another always the same from what we learn and all the people know him the villagers look also not friendly like bunch of criminals, prisonner that just escape from the cold way they greeed us and how the they didn't came out from thier house to talk

They all know him as traveler but i kinda feel something more on the Chucks dude, i wasn't the only one who thought about that, even Shadow did and Blaze too, but any way we viste more than 3 small village well more like camping people but anyway as we laft the last one we Prince Shadow head something coming from the shy when we look up we the floating ship of enemies flying above us toward a city not so far.

They all know him as traveler but i kinda feel something more on the Chucks dude, i wasn't the only one who thought about that, even Shadow did and Blaze too, but any way we viste more than 3 small village well more like camping people but anyway ...

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