Old Fun

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The grocery store was a place I always liked to avoid on weekends.


Too many people that I went to school with worked there. I enjoyed going to extra measures to avoid those people if I would happen to run into them on weekends. I saw them five days throughout the week for more hours than I approved of and seeing those assholes on the weekends was not something I was okay with. The fact that my dad was able to coax me into going to the grocery store on a Sunday was a miracle. He was half lucky that the fridge needed to be restocked or else I wouldn't have dragged Arrie out of the house.

I held a list of things to buy, but so far this was harder than I thought it would be. There were like fifty different options of eggs to buy. I didn't know how to select the perfect loaf of bread. Why were there so many different types of cooking oil? Olive oil was fine, right?

Arrie leaned on the shopping cart whilst I stood in front of the shelves of cooking oil comparing the prices and pretending to read the backs of the bottles. I really didn't care about percentages and exactly where the oil was shipped from.

My impatience with grocery shopping might be the result of over-thinking Luke's pleads that The Trifecta was deteriorating. I knew he was right, Luke was confident enough with himself that he knew he was right, but Michael...Michael would be the person we'd have to convince. Michael's head was halfway up his ass because he was running on the high of having Kay (unofficially officially having her as his girlfriend. They hadn't determined what they were but Michael still referred to her as his girlfriend.), making the football team in the middle of the season even if he had never ran a day in his life before, and being one step closer to ruining Calum's life.

Which reminded me, I technically had not done my job when it came to Ashton. It was hard to ruin everything he was when he always shot back with a comment to every word that left my mouth.

"Sage Sirois?" I turned to the red-head stranger. "Is that you?"

"I think so...?" I took a glance at my chest then let my eyes travel down my body. Was I Sage Sirois? Who was I? What was the meaning of life? Was the earth really round? Did two plus two really equal four? Will guys ever stop lying about what six inches was? An existential crisis was never fun.

"It's me, Lucia." She pointed to herself. "Remember me?"

I quickly scanned my brain for any mention of a "Lucia." Nothing. I couldn't come up with anyone. Childhood friend? No. Church buddy? Most likely not because I had always had zero of those. The pale skinned, brown eyed, sugary perfumed combination did feel familiar to me. It was just that kind of situation where you knew but you didn't really know.

"Yeah," I nodded in time with my contradiction. "I remember you."

"How's St. Eugene's now that I'm gone?" Lucia pushed her red locks out of her face, tucking her hair behind her ears as her brown eyes stared directly into my soul and that too felt familiar. "I can't believe I graduated in the spring."

School. Okay. That narrowed it down. If she graduated before me then I had no idea who she could possibly be. I barely started paying attention to people in that circle of hell two months ago.

"It's good, yeah...kinda crazy to think I'll be graduating soon too..." I set down the bottle of oil since I didn't think it would be coming home with me based off the ten dollar pricing. I should shop in bulk and with coupons like Sammy's mom. That would solve a lot for me.

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