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Day three of suspension and I had done absolutely nothing anyone would expect me to do. Michael expected me to sleep in and just be a lazy bum, but I actually was ahead on a lot of school work and had a lot of time to finish pesky college applications that I had been meaning to finish for awhile. This pathetic suspension did worry me about my chances of getting into any place I had applied to and those worries almost made me toss my applications in the trash.

Once I began feeling discouraged towards the applications I took Sam's laptop, feeling the need to know what the world of Facebook was up to recently, knowing very well that this could be bad for my own eyes.

Reuben Martochio

When your school is a piece of shit.... -feeling aggravated


Elizabeth Shahaf

The last three days have been incredible! Things are finally getting back on track for me :)

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Lydia Hurley

I'm just so appalled by everything at the moment. This is so pathetic.


Luke Hemmings

St. Eugene's literally needs to mind their own business and stay out of people's personal lives that has nothing to do with them at school.


Michael G. Clifford: this is the most intelligent thing I've ever read from you and I totally agree.

Lisa Bernardo: You're such a good friend Luke :)

Roman Ortega: When did you get so smart

Reuben Martochio

I am starting a petition to get Sage Sirois back into school and get Principal Harris fired. #teamSage


Leave it to Reuben to do something outrageous just for the sake of a relationship that would probably not even happen at this point. He was kind of like those creepy fans that only talked about their favorite celebrity dating someone that only they approved of.

I was far too engrossed in Facebook that I failed to realize Sammy had let herself into my house and was sitting at the foot of my bed, waiting for me to notice her.

"Sammy? What are you doing here?" I slowly shut the lid of the laptop and placed it aside me on my bed.

"I need to talk to you." Sammy pushed away a piece of hair from her face then played with the silver ring on her right middle finger that she always wore. She was incomplete without it and one would almost think it was super glued to her.


"I heard what you did for me." She smiled down at her hands. "That means a lot to me."

"Yeah, you're welcome."

"You're really good to me and I love that, but I think we should be friends." Ouch. Right to the point and no hesitation. So yeah, the lack of hesitation did make that sentence hurt a whole lot more. I would've preferred her to stab me in the face with a razor, that would hurt less.

At the same time, I didn't understand why it bothered me so much when my gut feeling predicted that this was going to happen soon. It was a vibe, one of those psychic ones where you could source the incoming of something bad, but you didn't want to take it seriously, so you ignored it.

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