Stalking and Skype

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Michael was a tech nerd and he had no problem flaunting that. He was obsessed with technology and convinced his mom to buy him the latest gadgets to fill his heart with warmth. (If that was even possible for someone such as Michael.)

"Why were you talking to Aaron?" Michael asked as he typed away on his laptop. His eyes scanned the screen back and forth scarily fast for a human.

Michael dragged Luke and I to his house so he could find some "dirty laundry" on Ashton. The terrifying thing about Michael wasn't not the glares he could give, but rather his capability of actually finding information on someone just with a simple tool called The Internet. To Michael there were no limits and he could find anything.

"He borrowed a pen in history and he was just returning it...?" I did the typical too-lazy-to-take-off-my-shoes-properly thing and held the heels of the shoes with the opposite foot to take them off then kicking my knackered converse out of the way, earning a glare from Michael when one of my shoes hit his wall. His perfectly beige walls were not to get a single scuff on them.

"One day you're letting him borrow your pen and the next you're letting him borrow your vagina to keep his dick warm." Michael slammed his hands against the keyboard.

"Shut up, Michael." Luke spoke up from his cellphone. Luke was thinking up excuses to tell his mom when she found out he skipped a class. He was in and out of the conversation with Michael and I, being too focused on adding an excuse to his list in the notes section of his phone.

"No, you shut up." Michael snapped.

"Do you think my mom would believe me if I told her my balls were stuck to my leg and I couldn't sit down, so I left school?" Luke sat up on the bed. His red tie going over one shoulder. If anything pissed me off about Luke, it was his damn tie. The kid could be into erotic asphyxiation, considering how tight he kept it tied.

"That's just disgusting, Luke." I shook my head.

"All right," Michael cracked his fingers, his boastful way of telling us he got something good. "I'm logged into his Facebook account."

"Michael, that's illegal, get out!" Luke hopped off Michael's bed, sprinting to the desk.

"It's only illegal if the authorities find out."

"That's one way to look at it." I mumbled, taking a spot behind Michael. As much as I wanted to say I wasn't interested in what this Ashton kid was all about, that would be a lie. I was a bit intrigued by the pen-less boy in history class, who hopped on Calum's dick his first day at Saint Eugene's Catholic High School.

It probably stunned most of the school that Calum had taken the new kid under his atrocious wing because everyone knew that Calum and his football buddies lived to ruin the new kid's life the first week they attended St. Eugene's. What made Ashton different that Calum took notice of? Maybe his facial hair, I didn't know...

"Ashton Irwin..." Michael scrunched his nose. "I like Aaron better." He continued to scroll through Ashton's profile. "At one point his cover photo was a selfie..."

"If I looked like that, I'd make a collage of my face and set it as my cover photo." Luke giggled at himself.

"He doesn't post often...but his posts have like 60 likes, so he must've been pretty popular back home..." Michael chewed on his bottom lip. "Let's check his messages. His profile is dull."

"Close the laptop." I ordered. "Going through his personal messages is completely wrong." This whole thing was wrong! I knew I was not exactly Mother Teresa herself, but God dammit was this wrong!

"Margarita Heard..." Luke and I groaned. "Holy shit, 'I'm still upset you moved to Seattle. :( I miss you. So does she..." Attached to the message was a full-on photo of Margarita Heard's vagina. This being the most recent message sent between the two.

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