Weapon Of Choice

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"You're really going to do this?" Ashton asked me as I stood in Sam's old room, shakily loading the P99 handgun my brother had hid in his bedroom.

It was a miracle that the room still hadn't been cleaned out and most of the belongings were left in the exact same spots that Sam had left them in. Arrie was now claiming the empty guest room as his new home, but nothing felt like home anymore though.

"Yes." I didn't hesitate to answer him, but my voice came out small and frightened. Hearing my own voice would be all I needed in order to change my mind from doing what I needed to do. I didn't want to say much else, but Ashton didn't get the hint.

Ashton rested his hands on mine as I went to insert the magazine into the gun. "Your hands are shaking like crazy."

"It happens." I watched as my hands miraculously steadied right before my eyes in Ashton's hands. "It's been happening more often than before."

Truth was, I felt borderline psychotic, like I was at my snapping point. I belonged in a Lifetime movie about a crazy young woman. Not a single psychology course would help me understand why I was feeling this way. I was crazy.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ashton released my hands, taking my face between his own. His eyes flickering between both of mine. "There's still time to back out."

"It has to be done."

The ringing of my cell phone interrupted the always anticipated moment of mine and Ashton's lips meeting. It was difficult moment for me to touch the black flip phone Sam had given me months ago. If I was in a movie I probably would've had one of those weird ass flashbacks to the moment that Sam gave me this phone and every other moment in between that I had used it until now. I didn't even want to look at it, so I hid it in my underwear drawer to ignore the memories it brought back. But a prepaid was a prepaid and it was the only way I could get a hold of Harley to sort out everything that was going to happen tonight.


"Noland's on 5th and Chestnut doing a trade right now. Sienna's with him." Harley said in low voice. In the background was someone else's whispering.

"Thank you." I glanced down at the numberless handgun as I held it with a cloth between the grip of the gun and my hand.

"I'll be there." And then she hung up.

Harley knew. She knew every detail that went down that night at Anderson's and she, as well, wanted a little something that we humans referred to as revenge. She disliked Sienna just as much as I did and loathed Noland even more. It was a matter of time until she retaliated against her own blood. She knew Sam was stupid, but she also knew that he didn't deserve to be killed.

"Ready?" Ashton brought me back to reality.

I hopped into the backseat of Ashton's car, Ashton drove, Arrie gave directions from the passenger's seat. I was jittery in the seat, bouncing my legs up and down and chewing at the minimal length of my nails. There wasa specific tone in someone's voice when they were giving directions that let you know that you were close to your destination. That tone could either be the most exciting thing to hear or the one that made you feel sick to your stomach. I was both.

"There he is." The dark and large shadow of Noland appeared on the street. It was obvious it was him because of the awful frizzy hair peeking from the corner.

Harley 10:40 pm: I'm with him. Come now.

"Lets go." The gun was stuffed in the waist band of my jeans behind my jeans, the only secure place Arrie told me to keep it.

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