A Smart-ass and Summaries

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"He had a nice face." Luke complimented Aaron - Ashton - with a satisfied grin. Luke was starting his mission of pissing Michael off. This happened often and always resulted in one of them crying, then they'd hug it out and start the process all over while I was just the off-duty mediator. It was basically the only nice way I could sum up Michael and Luke's friendships. Or I could base their friendship off a great amount of cuddling sessions that I was left out of, but they wouldn't want you to know that Luke thought Michael's chest was "soft like a pillow" and that Michael enjoyed smelling Luke's hair because it "smelt like cotton candy."

"I agree." I hooked my thumbs around the straps of my backpack, taking a few peppy steps down the main hall and waving to a group of people we knew.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you guys." Michael shook his head disappointingly. But oh, did he know the reason he was friends with us. We were the only people who could put up with him from 6:30 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon, even going overtime most days. I actually could not recall the last time the three of us weren't at one or the other's house hanging out even on school night's.

It used to make my mother suspicious, she practically accused me of engaging in threesomes with Michael and Luke when I was 15 because she heard us all yelling in my room. We were actually in an intense game of Madden; Luke and I versus Michael. Michael believed he could defeat us without a problem, he'd never been more wrong.

After clarifying the yells to my mom, she went on to talk about how she and Dad felt that Luke and I would be a good couple because he was "a nice Catholic boy, who was saving his virtue." If by "saving his virtue" she meant "wanking all over car magazines before he went to bed every night," then my mother must really not be okay.

"Clifford!" The balding assistant principle, Mr. Carter, stormed towards us. "I thought I told you to dye your hair, Mr. Clifford?"

Michael nodded with a smile, "You told me to dye my hair." Michael looked to me and Luke with a smirk that hinted he was going to have some smart remark that would land him in detention during lunch for at least three days. "If my memory is as sharp as it was yesterday...yesterday my hair was green and today it's purple. I followed your orders, Mr. Carter."

"Mr. Clifford, I meant dye your hair a natural color! Not colors that can attract the devil!" Mr. Carter's balding spot atop his head was beaming with sweat because of his outrage. Luke and I stifled our laughter.

"Oh!" Michael hunched over laughing. "Why didn't you say so?"

"I thought I had made myself pretty clear." Mr. Carter smiled tightly. "Detention during lunch all next week." He parted.

"Well," Michael shrugged. "Anything's better than having lunch with you two idiots."


I scribbled notes in World History while somehow managing to listen to the lecture. Another thing I had learned was that I was not very skilled at listening and writing at the same time. Sometimes I found myself writing nonsense because my mind would tend to wander into daydreams.

I don't really care about The Roman Empire. There was a reason it didn't exist anymore. I carefully wrote.

"I forgot to mention that these notes will be turned in at the end of class for a participation grade." Mrs. Flowers announced, causing a few students to shuffle out a pen and paper to bullshit their way to a simple participation grade. I scratched out my sarcasm until the spot on the paper ripped, so she wouldn't see what I had written and deduct points from me.

"Hey," A tap on my shoulder disturbed my moment of interest over Julius Caesar's arrogance. I pretended like I didn't feel or hear a thing. The asshole sitting behind me was not going to disturb me right now.

"Excuse me?" This time the person left their hand on my shoulder until I turned my head slightly, not taking my eyes from the teacher.

"What do you want? Do you want to copy my notes? The answer is no." I shouted in a whisper, turning around.

"I was just going to ask if you had a pencil I could borrow..." I rolled my eyes at the sadness in the boy's voice.

Over my head, I handed him the pen I was using then dug through my backpack for some sort of reasonable writing utensil for myself.

The bell rang and I gathered my belongings up and power-walked up to the front of the class to turn my notes in and get the hell out of the classroom. I blindly combed out my fringe, recently deciding that it was not tamable even if I was looking in a mirror, so there was no use.

"Sage!" I halted at the voice, surely upsetting the people walking behind me. "Sage, thanks for stopping." Aar-Ashton blew a piece of hair from his face, but it fell back into its place. He smoothed his unruly curls back, handing me a pen. I really liked the messy look on him, not many guys could pull it off without looking like they were homeless or on drugs. "Thanks for letting me borrow your pen. Things just don't ever seem to work out on the first day at a new school." He chuckled.

"Oh," I took the pen in my hand and continued my journey to my last class of the day.

"Sorry, if I interrupted you during class." The second I thought I had lost Ashton he was right back next to me.

"It's cool."

"Hey Sage!" Michael tossed an arm over my shoulder. "How is my beautiful girlfriend doing?"

I cringed towards Michael. If someone Michael didn't like ever spoke to me he pulled the relationship card to make people run off, usually it worked. With Ashton, it didn't.

"Did my beautiful girlfriend enjoy history class?" If I wasn't in a no violence zone, I'd beat the shit out of Michael. "Would you excuse us Aaron?" Michael politely asked.

"I'm not your girlfriend, Michael." I snorted. "You're not my type."

Ashton cleared his throat, "It's actually Ashton..."

"Ashton - Aaron - Asshole - it's all the same!" Michael yanked me away.

"You're lucky you didn't rip my arm out of its socket, you ass!" I snapped, rubbing my arm.

"It would be a shame if you couldn't pray or give your sweet boyfriend, me, anymore handjobs." Michael pouted.

"I didn't think Mikey was your type, Sage." Luke butted in, basically appearing out of nowhere. Luke was always watching...just like his mom. They were always waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

"He's not."

"So kids, we're skipping the last class and going to my place." Michael clapped his hands together.

"My mom would kill me if she found out I skipped!" Luke cried.

Michael slapped Luke over the back of the head, "That's why I sent the office aid nudes in return for three off-campus passes."

"Please don't tell me you're going to let Cassie Wolfe give you head in church too." Luke grimaced at the thought. By now, we both should've known that it was a typical Michael thing to do.

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