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The Trifecta ended up back at school as we recalled prior engagements that required us to be present. The thunderstorm was still bad, add lightning to the show and suddenly, the football coach didn't find it appropriate to practice on the fields today. Truthfully, I wouldn't mind seeing the whole team get struck by lightning at this point. I would spare Michael and Luke's lives though, feeling bad for the boys because they were stuck in the weight room with forty other guys.

While tuning out Elizabeth and Veronica arguing over a new cheer, I found amusement in picturing Michael and Luke trying to lift weights. I had only seen Michael lift seven pizza boxes at once and Luke carry an enormous mirror into his bedroom. Maybe they weren't even lifting weights. Luke was probably listening to music on his phone while take careful steps on a treadmill and Michael was in no doubt pretending to spot Calum. The only worry was that Michael would purposely make Calum injure himself.

"They're always like this." Lisa sat down next to me, crossing her legs.

The unspoken sisterly bond on the team was very lovely. No one was ever purposely left out and if one of the "veterans" noticed a newbie sitting alone, they'd sit with you and strike up a conversation. I didn't have a problem sitting by myself and people watching. It didn't bother Izzy either, she was usually off in her own happy world. But the girls wanted everyone to feel equal and loved. Sure, I wanted to feel equal and loved, but from afar, that was okay with me.

"Elizabeth and Veronica?"

She nodded, "Elizabeth is just taking Veronica's opinions to heart because she's still upset about Calum."

A part of me believed that Calum was a big enough douche to hook up with Elizabeth's sister. Another part wasn't convinced he could do that based off his recent kindness. I wouldn't let his kindess fool me like Elizabeth let it fool her.

"But he's just a guy?" I scoffed, stretching my legs out. "He's replaceable."

Those were the two most foolish words I could ever speak to Lisa and anyone of her kind. This group of girls may be boy crazy and be able to get any guy they wanted, but the moment they were not doing the fucking over and allowed themselves to become vulnerable to being fucked over by a guy - it might as well be the end of the world for them and those around them.

Thirty minutes into practice and there was nothing getting done. The coach never showed up to practice because she was confident in Elizabeth and Veronica's leading abilities that they'd get stuff done. Little did she know most of our asses had been glued to the gym floor doing absolutely nothing productive.

"Elizabeth was in love with Calum." Lisa argued by over-stressing 'in love' in a stupid tone that made me think I should've already known that. "She was going to convert religions to marry him."

I almost redirected Lisa to Michael so the two could gossip together. Michael would get so much joy out of this. I could hear him talking about the jump from Judaism to Catholicism like he was reciting poetry.

"What do you think about Luke?" A faint turn of topics on my behalf.

"Um, Hemmings?"

"I don't know any other Luke that goes to St. Eugene's."

"He's great to look at." She shrugged. Her practice shirt rid up her torso as she adjusted her legs and leaned back on her hands, still paying attention to Elizabeth and Veronica argue. "I guess that's why he looks at himself so often." Tugging her hair over to one shoulder, she laughed. "I used to have a crush on him until recently."

"What changed?"

"He's gay." Lisa said plainly.

"My best friend since the eighth grade is gay and I had no clue about it?"

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