Chapter 13

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Rainwhisker stared at Leopardstripe with disbelief and sadness. No she can't be blind! That stupid, fox-hearted cat . . . I'll kill him! He'll die for making my mate blind! He quivered as he stared into her blind, green eyes. Brambleclaw looked startled, his amber eyes wide with shock. Thornclaw looked away, his fur fluffed out and his claws digging in the dirt. Mousefur's amber gaze was filled with fury. Rainwhisker looked back at Leopardstripe; her pelt matted, her face covered in blood, fresh scars over her eyes, her lush, green eyes clouded.

"I'm so sorry, let's get you to Blizzardtail." He meowed, his voice quivering.

Rainwhisker guided Leopardstripe towards camp, the others following. I can't believe I let this happen to her! And after I told her I would never leave her! I couldn't even protect her from harm . . . I'm no good. And now she's blind, because of me. I'll kill that rouge and his little friends! Rainwhisker felt the tabby she-cat rest her head on his shoulder as they arrived to camp. He licked her ear and felt all the cats in the clearing stare at them.

"Is everyone alright?" Graystripe asked as he bounded over to him.

"No, not exactly . . . " The dark gray tom meowed. "Leopardstripe needs to be seen with Blizzardtail."

The gray deputy nodded and he padded up to the rest of the group. The two warriors padded towards the medicine cat's den to find Leafpaw and Blizzardtail there. Leafpaw looked up and immediately rushed to Leopardstripe's side.

"Leopardstripe!" Leafpaw gasped. "What happened to you?"

The pale gray tabby became flustered and pressed up against Rainwhisker. He wondered what she must be thinking now. Will she be a warrior? Or will she retire like her father? Leopardstripe's pelt bristled and she flicked her blind gaze all around the den.

"Leafpaw, get me some marigold leaves and a few poppy seeds." The black she-cat ordered with a flick of her white tail.

The young apprentice nodded and went to their herb supply.

"Set her down." Blizzardtail instructed gently.

Rainwhisker gently set the injured she-cat in a soft moss nest. He laid down next to her, trying to comfort her.

Once they had applied the poultice to her wounds and his they were now able to sleep. But he couldn't, he was so worried about Leopardstripe that he was alert. Angry at the tom who had caused all of this. Rainwhisker glanced outside to see the sun was high in the sky. Firestar came in and narrowed his eyes at Leopardstripe's sleeping form.

"So she can't see anymore?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." Rainwhisker stammered.

He felt uneasy as he looked away from his leader cold, green gaze. Rainwhisker watched his mate sleep, her eyes were covered in marigold. Hearing her whimpers of pain as it was applied made him troubled. I will kill the tom known as Ice. I'll kill him!

"Firestar, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but . . . why is it that you have been watching Leopardstripe closely?" Rainwhisker meowed. "As if she has something important."

The ginger tom took a step back and slightly glared at him. Rainwhisker held his chin high, to show no fear in what he might do or say.

"She has nothing of importance to me." Firestar hissed. "I've been watching her closely only so she won't kill herself anymore! Nothing more."

With that the flame-colored tom left the den, lashing his tail in frustration. The dark gray tom glared after him and curled his tail around Leopardstripe. The pale gray she-cat shifted around drowsily and settled back down; her head laid on his front paws and her flank rising and falling as she breathed. Rainwhisker stared down into her closed eyes which were covered in marigold. Claw marks covered her eyes and he felt his heart split in two. How could I . . . Why . . .

"Forgive me, Leopardstripe. I couldn't protect you." He faintly whispered. "But this will not go unavenged."


Hey guys!!!!

I know it's been forever, but I finally got this chapter done. Sorry it's short, I wanted to leave a cliff hanger or something. Make it more interesting and I put in Rainwhisker's point of view this time. I thought it would be more interesting to put in someone's prospective in.

Till next time . . .

May StarClan light your path! :)

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