Chapter 3

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Leopardstripe sighed as she couldn't go to sleep. Ever since her mother's face when she had left Firestar's den, this morning, she couldn't help but worry about her. Brambleclaw slept soundly next to her. His dark brown tabby pelt clumped together in places. She softy purred and licked the top of his head, to smooth out the fur. She stretched and quietly padded outside.

She was greeted by a fresh breeze, her wounds no longer bothered her that much anymore. They were scars left behind and it would sometimes sting when bothered. Leopardstripe's green gaze landed at the gorse tunnel. Rainwhisker stood guard with his ears pricked for any sign of danger. The pale gray she-cat padded up to him. He turned at the approaching she-cat and purred.

"Having trouble sleeping?" Rainwhisker purred. She playfully rolled her eyes and nudged his shoulder.

"Yeah, I thought I would take a walk to relax me." Leopardstripe meowed. His blue eyes brighten as she purred with amusement at his fur sticking out on the top his head. She licked it down and smiled.

"I can go with you!" He smiled with warmth.

"You have to stay guard, silly!" She purred. Rainwhisker flatten his ears in embarrassment as he realized he had to stay guard. "See you in a bit."

He nodded and she swiftly padded through the forest. She found herself by Sunningrocks and marveled as she saw the stars twinkling in the reflection of the water. Leopardstripe gazed at her own reflection and sighed. What do toms see in me? I'm like any other she-cat.

"Hello again." She heard a deep voice greet her.

She lifted her head to see the tom who had saved her. He gracefully bounded towards her and flicked his ear.

"Er . . . what are you doing? Your over the ThunderClan border." She meowed, and edge in her voice.

"Well, couldn't I see you again?" The tom purred. "It looks like your recovering from the fox attack."

Leopardstripe looked down at her paws, heat starting to rise to her cheeks. "Um, I never got the chance to thank you for saving me." She murmured.

"It was nothing." He replied. She meet his ice-blue gaze and her green eyes glowed. "By the way my name is Hawkfrost."

Leopardstripe didn't reply she continued to stare into his deep ice-blue eyes until he leaned down and licked her cheek. Her eyes widened and she ducked her head in embarrassment. Hawkfrost purred and licked her ear.

"Don't you remember me? During a Gathering when we were apprentices we met." He asked. Leopardstripe looked up and looked at his face. Hawkfrost? H-hawkpaw? Hawkpaw! Now I remember, we used to go to our secret hiding place.

"I remember, we used to go to our hiding place during the Gathering." She purred, remembering her apprentice's days. At that time she didn't know what love was, almost every tom adored her. And she still didn't know what true love was.

"I gotta go. It was nice to talk to you, bye." Leopardstripe smiled. Hawkfrost had a spark of longing in his eyes as she began to pad away.

"Wait!" He called. He bounded up to her and pressed his muzzle to her ear. "Meet me at our hiding place tomorrow." He whispered.

Before she could reply he licked her ear and dashed towards his Clan. Leopardstripe felt herself blush as he vanished behind the reeds. Why does he want to meet? Oh well, nothing bad can come from it. I'm mean he's only a friend. She shook her head and cleaned her pelt before entering camp. As she entered the gorse tunnel Rainwhisker licked her forehead.

"Tired yet?" He teased. Leopardstripe yawned and stretched.

"Maybe." She purred in response. He smiled warmly at her and purred.

Book 3:  Lepordstripe's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now