Chapter 5

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It's been a week since Leopardstripe had returned and everything seemed to be normal. Nobody had blamed her for what she had down, everyone understood. She had been meeting Hawkfrost too, and nobody knew. Leopardstripe sleepily opened her lush green eyes to Brambleclaw's twitching. He thrashed his paws at her and she quickly ducked her head before he could strike. The young tabby she-cat prodded his side with her paw and his eyes shot open. Rainwhisker, on the other side of the den, gave a snort of laughter as the dark brown tom quickly recovered himself from his dream.

"You better watch out Leopardstripe, one day out of nowhere he'll swipe at you." Rainwhisker laughed. He rose to his paws and shook his pelt. He gave her a quick lick between her ears before leaving.

Brambleclaw lowly growled and stood up. The young she-cat giggled and stood up and licked his ear. "It was only a joke, don't get all grumpy." Leopardstripe giggled.

The dark brown tabby looked down at his paws, his ears flatten in frustration. Leopardstripe nudged his head with her muzzle and pressed up against him. Brambleclaw relaxed and slightly leaned against her.

"I'm glad your my friend." He whispered in her ear.

"Best friend." She purred. He licked her cheek and nodded.

"Yeah, your my best friend." Brambleclaw murmured.

Leopardstripe smiled and looked around the den. Ashfur, Mousefur, and a few other warriors were still sleeping. She began to pad out of the den with Brambleclaw at her heels so they wouldn't wake up the sleeping warriors. When she peeked her head out she saw Cloudtail by the fresh-kill pile, devouring a thrush. Firestar was talking with Blizzardtail and Leafpaw near his den, casting glances at Brambleclaw and Leopardstripe as they sat outside the warrior's den.

Sorrelpaw bounded up to them with a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Brambleclaw, Leopardstripe today is my warrior ceremony!" She squeaked in excitement.

The young she-cat playfully lunged at Brambleclaw, and they wrestled on the ground. Leopardstripe purred with amusement as Sorrelpaw pinned down the warrior.

"Okay, okay I give. If you're going to be a warrior then you can't act like a kit." Brambleclaw meowed with laughter.

"Me a kit? Never!" The apprentice jumped off of Brambleclaw, her fur sticking out in clumps and covered in dust. "Speaking of kits . . . are you two going to have any soon?" She squealed with excitement.

Brambleclaw tensed up and heat rose to his cheeks. The pale gray tabby she-cat smiled at Sorrelpaw. The apprentice, with sparkling amber eyes, flicked her eyes from Brambleclaw to Leopardstripe.

"No, we're just best friends, and how about you and Brackenfur?" Leopardstripe purred.

Sorrelpaw looked down at her paws, blushing. She sighed and shook her head. "Anyways, have you seen Ferncloud's kits? They're adorable." Sorrelpaw meowed, changing the subject.

"No we-" Brambleclaw began.

"You have to see them!" She insisted.

Leopardstripe's green eyes brighten at the thought of kits. Brambleclaw still looked uneasy after what Sorrelpaw had commented and his cheeks were light red. She nudged his shoulder with her nose and smiled.

"Come on, let's see them." She playfully whined.

He gave a huff of defeat and got to his paws. The two she-cats smiled and they began to pad towards the nursery. The she-cat apprentice went inside first, and the two warriors followed. They poked their head in to see Ferncloud curled around her kits with Dustpelt next to her. Goldenflower, the oldest queen, was with them purring in happiness. The den was filled with the warm scent of milk, she remembered when she was a kit. Cinderpelt would wash her pelt while Longtail would play with her. I wonder what it's like to have kits. To have a family . . .

Leopardstripe shook her head and purred at the kits. Having a warm feeling inside her heart.

"They're wonderful." She quietly purred, trying not to wake the kits.

"They're so cute!" Sorrelpaw squealed.

Goldenflower watched as the pale gray tabby gazed at the kits sleeping with pure love. The pale ginger queen glanced at Brambleclaw, she motioned with her muzzle towards Leopardstripe. He gave an embarrassed and angry look at his mother before slightly blushing. Leopardstripe didn't notice the reaction Brambleclaw gave, she wished to know what true love was.

"Come, let them sleep." She whispered.

Brambleclaw nodded and Sorrelpaw decided to stay a little bit longer. Once they were outside a breeze ruffled both warrior's pelts. Leopardstripe smiled, but quickly remembered her mother. She had talked to her less and less. Longtail had been the only one who spoke to her, other then her friends. With all this about the prophecy she couldn't think right. What did it all mean? And why did they chose me? I'm not special? I yelled at my leader, and I suppose I'm in a prophecy, please.

She sighed and sat down, her green gaze scanning the clearing. Nobody knew how hard it was for her, her world had turned upside down. With this new prophecy, Leopardstripe couldn't understand it. And she had been meeting Hawkfrost, so he could help her with the troubles she had. She knew she could trust the RiverClan warrior. It wasn't like she was breaking the warrior code, right? But out of all of this, the only really thing that she wanted to know was to be cared for and to be loved. She couldn't tell Brambleclaw about, he would just think she was crazy. She glanced at him with sparkling green eyes to see him thinking about something. Can I trust him with something this important?


Hey guys!!!!!

I know it's been like a gazillion years since I updated and I promised that updates would go faster, but my family had gone on a trip for like a week and I didn't have any wifi there so I couldn't publish this. We got back to our house once the week was over but I've been exhausted since we got back.

So basically the only thing I've done is watch Bleach and fallen in love with Toshiro, but you know who can't love him!!!! :) :)

Anyways, I've been working on new stories, but I haven't published them because I still need to finish Leopardstripe's Heart and I'll probably just delete Spikeheart's Life since I've gotten some new ideas.

Hope you liked the chapter!!!! I hope I get to update more often!!!!

Oh and you guys should watch Bleach!!!!! TOSHIRO HITSUGAYA ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Till next time . . .

May StarClan light your path! :)

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