Chapter 4

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Something gently prodded Leopardstripe's flank as she slept. Her dreams were filled with angry Clan mates and darkness. Her head jolted up at the touch and her head collided with another head.

"Ow!" They both whimpered. She opened her eyes to see Hawkfrost. She was filled with relief to be with someone who wasn't angry with her. They were both squashed together as they had grown and the spacing was smaller then she remembered, in the den. Leopardstripe pressed herself against him and buried her face into his fur. I must have slept through the whole day. They're probably not even worried about me.

"You okay? When I got here you were soaking wet." Hawkfrost asked with concern.

She sighed and looked down at her paws. Maybe I went to far. I yelled at my leader, medicine cat, and deputy. All for what? That stupid, stubborn, hotheaded, apprentice will pay for what she did! She noticed that her pelt was now dry and Leopardstripe locked gazes with him. Did he dry my pelt while I was asleep? As if he had read her thoughts he purred and licked her cheek. All her anger and dismay vanished as he wrapped his bushy tail around her shoulders, drawing her closer. She also noticed her belly was covered with marigold.

"I know a couple things about herbs and so I helped with the wound. What happened?" Hawkfrost asked.

Leopardstripe took a deep breath and explained what had happened in camp. Hawkfrost listened intently and would nuzzle her fur. Once she had finished her story, he smiled and licked her ear.

"It's alright, you were trying to stand up for what you thought was right. If anyone had said anything about my father, I would have gotten really furious." He purred.

Leopardstripe purred with amusement and relief. She had finally found someone who understood her. The young she-cat rested her head on his front paws and he rested his head on her neck. Slight moonlight crept through some of the openings of the badger set, turning her pelt to sliver. She started to close her glowing green eyes when Hawkfrost started to drowsily groom her head. Leopardstripe felt the gently licking until she was sleep.

The pale gray she-cat woke up and saw Hawkfrost still sleeping, with his muzzle pressed against her chest. His tail curled tightly around her flank. Leopardstripe yawned and tried to stretch in the small area. Hawkfrost blinked opened his ice-blue eyes and opened his mouth in a massive yawn. She purred and licked his forehead. They both sat up and started to clean their fur from the dust. The dark brown tom with a white underbelly pressed his forehead against hers and sighed.

"It's time we went back to our Clans." He whispered.

Leopardstripe sighed, she knew she would eventually have to go back to her Clan. She silently whimpered as she knew she had to face her angry Clan mates. Hawkfrost must have sense her fear and worry, because he wrapped his tail around her drawing her close and rested his chin on her head as she pressed her cheek to his chest. The young she-cat started to blush as he held her close.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Meet me here tonight?" Hawkfrost murmured.

"Yes." Leopardstripe promised.

The tom purred and nuzzled her cheek before giving her a quick lick on the ear then moved the rocks from the entrance and dashed towards his Clan.

Rain streamed down into the dusty ground, turning it to mud. She sighed in dismay as she wondered what punishment she would get for being rude to her leader, medicine cat, and deputy. Leopardstripe slowly padded out of the badger set and covered the entrance to it. Making sure no one would know about their secret place. She began to pad out of Fourtrees, relieved that the rain had washed away Hawkfrost scent. I might as well hunt, at least they won't think I'm not loyal to my Clan. Hopefully I can find something, and quick!

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