Chapter 10

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Her whole body was engulfed in coldness. The young she-cat faintly felt her nose sting as more water entered. It's so quiet, and . . . peaceful. I guess this really is the end for me. I hope . . . they will remember me and . . . love me still.

"It is not your time to go, young one."
An unfamiliar, gently voice spoke.

Leopardstripe's lush green eyes shot open, but quickly closed as the river water burned her eyes.

"Your family will be devastated if they found their kit dead. Please, your parents will be sadden. Longtail would miss you, Rainwhisker would miss you, Brambleclaw would miss you, and . . . Cinderpelt would miss you." The soothing voice meowed to her.

Leopardstripe coughed out water as her head resurfaced from the water. She squirmed as someone was holding her scruff to get her to shore. Opening her eyes slightly, she saw dark brown tabby fur. She was hauled onto the grass as she coughed up another mouthful of water. Leopardstripe shivered and wheezed. She weakly lifted her head to see Brambleclaw.

"What were you thinking? You could have killed yourself!" Brambleclaw hissed in anger, but truly he was concerned.

Both of their pelts were soaked and water dripped down from his whiskers. Who was that, who spoke to me? What was it that spoke to me? Frustration overcame her as her life hadn't ended.

"I wanted to kill myself!" She hissed weakly.

His amber eyes widen at her confession. The dark brown tabby tom stared at her with shocked eyes. Leopardstripe struggled to her paws and panted as she tried to walk back into the river. Brambleclaw hissed and gently pushed her away from the deep water. He wrapped his tail around her drenched shoulders, making their way back to camp.

Once they arrived many stood shocked. Firestar padded up to them with Graystripe next to him.

"What happened?" The flame-colored tom asked.

"Leopardstripe tried to . . . t-to kill herself." The tabby tom whispered.

Both of their eyes widen with shock and disbelief as they gazed at the shivering she-cat. She hung her head low, shivering with cold. Leopardstripe felt all the eyes of her Clanmates on her as they whispered to each other. She glanced around to see that Rainwhisker was gone. He must have gone on patrol or something. Well, I can wait a little longer . . . I don't want him to hear or see any of this.

"Take her to Blizzardtail to make sure she's alright." Firestar meowed. "And Leopardstripe I would like to speak to you in a little bit, I'll check on you later."

She didn't lift her head, only drooping her ears and dragging her tail behind her as they made their way towards the den. As they entered the smell of herbs filled her nose. Blizzardtail was sniffing around her herbs and Leafpaw was not there. The medicine cat lifted her head and gasped.

"What happened to you two?" She asked.

"Leopardstripe . . . tried to kill herself." Brambleclaw murmured.

Leopardstripe felt a growl form in her throat. She shook off his tail from her damp shoulders and glared at him. He looked back at her with nothing more than care and love. Her glare faded and she silently sighed.

"Leopardstripe, please sit in that moss nest, Brambleclaw sit in the other one please." Blizzardtail ordered.

They obeyed and the pale gray tabby she-cat curled up in her nest. Her tail over her nose and she felt the she-cat's nose sniff her fur. She gave Leopardstripe some herbs to help with her shivering and cold.

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