Chapter 1

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A pale gray tabby she-cat with dark silver dots along her hind legs with one dark silver stripe along her spine to her tail-tip purred. A dark brown tabby tom crouched down on the grass, frustrated. She padded up to him and licked his ear.

"Don't worry Brambleclaw, we'll catch more prey." The she-cat purred with amusement.

He looked up and rose to his paws. He sighed and nudged her shoulder with his muzzle. "I wouldn't have missed it if you hadn't swished her tail on the leaves, Leopardstripe." He mumbled.

Leopardstripe purred and nuzzled his cheek, he purred and licked her cheek. They padded deeper into the forest. The sun glimmered through the tree tops and bathed the ground with its golden rays. A cool breeze swept through the forest and ruffled the two warriors' fur. Leopardstripe lifted her head and closed her lush green to take in the breeze.

Brambleclaw purred and pinned down the distracted she-cat. She yelped in surprise and looked into his deep amber eyes as he looked into her lush green eyes.

"What was that for?" Leopardstripe asked. He purred and licked her forehead.

"Just having some fun." Brambleclaw purred. Leopardstripe rolled her eyes and licked his cheek. He jumped off her and sat down with his tail neatly wrapped around his paws.

Leopardstripe shook her pale gray pelt to get the leaves out. She looked up to see him looking at her. The pale gray she-cat sat down with her tail wrapped around her paws and tilted her head to one side.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Brambleclaw purred.

She slightly blushed at the comment. "Multiple times when we were apprentices." Leopardstripe meowed.

"Yes, yes, anyways let's continue hunting." He meowed. She nodded and they padding around trees and bushes to see if they could pick up any trace of prey. One scent caught the attention of the young warriors. A strong fox scent.

Leopardstripe shuddered and took a step back. Brambleclaw noticed her fear and pressed his flank against hers. She looked into his amber eyes and buried her face into his dark brown tabby fur.

"We have to see if the fox was just passing through or if it's in our territory." Brambleclaw explained softly.

The terrified warrior nodded her head slowly and they cautiously followed the scent. It got stronger the more they got close to it and Brambleclaw wondered if this was a good idea. Leopardstripe fearfully entwined her fluffy tail with Brambleclaw's and pressed close against him. Okay, calm down Leopardstripe. You can do this, if Brambleclaw can do it, you can too. Act like a warrior not a kit who hasn't seen the outside world! Leopardstripe scolded herself.

"Leopardstripe, let's get to camp and report this to Firestar." Brambleclaw whispered.

She nodded her head frantically wanting to get out of here. She untwined their tails and quickly and quietly they padded towards camp. Leopardstripe's fur bristled with fear as the stench got stronger. She stopped in her tracks and quivered with terror. Brambleclaw looked at her with concern and lightly placed his paw on hers. She looked up at him with round lush green eyes.

"Don't worry, ev-" Before he could finish his sentence a menacing growl came from behind Leopardstripe.

She slowly turned her head and saw the russet-red fox. Foam dripping from its mouth and its round amber eyes filled with hungry. It stepped forward and Leopardstripe stood frozen to the ground, staring up at the creature. The fox lunged at her, but before it could kill her Brambleclaw pushed her and he got caught. He yowled in pain and lay unmoving. Leopardstripe landed with soft thud on the ground and looked up to see Brambleclaw's unmoving body.

"Brambleclaw?" She rasped, fearing the worst. "Brambleclaw!" She screamed. Leopardstripe raced towards him and nosed his fur. Tears streaming down her face as she saw blood pooling out of his belly.

She felt razor-sharp claws raking down her back and flank and she wailed in grief and pain. The cruel creature flung her across the dusty ground and she landed near the river. Her lower body in the slow moving current and the upper body on the dirt-covered ground. Blood pooled from a large gash on her flank and back. Leopardstripe's vision became blurred as the fox padded towards her.

"Help!" She rasped. Leopardstripe gazed at Brambleclaw and relief washed over her as she saw his flank rise and fall as he breathed. Well if I die, at least . . . Brambleclaw will live. All I want is for him to . . . be happy.

Fear gripped her as the fox placed its paw on her chest, pressing hard. She wheezed and heaved for air as it pressed harder. Leopardstripe gazed up at the fox and felt tears start to stream down her cheeks again. Just before the fox could crush her it was knocked over. Leopardstripe gasped and started to cough as she fought to get air. She saw a dark brown tabby tom with a white underbelly and piercing ice-blue eyes. The fox yelped and ran away as the tom swiped at its muzzle and eye.

"Hey, are you alright?" His voice filled with concern as he dashed towards her.

Leopardstripe coughed and wobbled to her paws. She swayed towards Brambleclaw, wincing at ever step. The tom helped her towards Brambleclaw the rest of the way. Her pelt was dripping with water and blood mixed together and matted. More blood swelled from her wounds as she bent down to lick her best friend's cheek. She winced and fell next to Brambleclaw. The last thing she saw was the worried piercing ice-blue eyes of the tom who saved her.

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