Chapter 9

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Leopardstripe slept next to Rainwhisker that night. She had finally understood why Cinderpelt had been so cold to her lately. It was because she knew about the prophecy. Her mother had told her about it and Longtail seemed to be as worried as his mate, but masked it.

The pale gray tabby slowly opened one lush green eye. Her sight fell upon the dark brown tabby. She quietly sighed and a slight frown appeared on her face. I wonder if Brambleclaw has forgiven me. Is he still my best friend . . . or at least a friend? Leopardstripe opened her other eye and looked at Rainwhisker. His tail over his muzzle, his whiskers quivering as he breathed. She purred and snuggled up closer towards him. Soon sleep took her again and she fell asleep smiling.

Something soft nuzzled her ear. She groggily opened her eyes to see her mate. Leopardstripe yawned and smiled.

"Good morning my love." Rainwhisker purred.

Leopardstripe blushed and giggled. She licked his muzzle and also purred.

"Morning." She yawned.

She arched her back and a long stretch and felt Rainwhisker do the same. The pale tabby she-cat stood up and washed her face. She glanced around the den to see that Brambleclaw, Mousefur, and Ashfur were gone. The dark gray tom licked her cheek and entwined their tails together.

"How'd you sleep?" Rainwhisker asked.

"Fine, you?" She replied.

"Great, whenever I'm with you." He purred.

She gave a small giggle while blushing slightly. Leopardstripe beckoned him with her tail as she left the warm den. Dawn slowly began to bring life to the Clan. Rainwhisker stood next to her, and a fresh breeze ruffled their pelts. Graystripe was talking with their leader outside his den. Mousefur was with Spiderpaw as they left camp.

The two warriors began their way towards the fresh-kill pile. The dark gray tom choose a plump vole for them to share. Leopardstripe and Rainwhisker both settled down by the fresh-kill pile to eat. The pale gray tabby she-cat looked down at the prey, but her mind at another place. If I'm in this kind of prophecy then does that mean I'll get destroyed? When I was showed the vision fire consumed the leopard and the tiger. It only makes sense that Squirrelpaw is the fire, Brambleclaw is the tiger and that I'm the . . . leopard. Will my life ever be normal, why does it have to be so complicated. Can't I just . . . end it all? Her happiness faded as she recalled the prophecy.

"Leopardstripe are you okay, aren't you eating?" Rainwhisker inquired.

Snapping back into reality she looked up at the dark gray tom. She gave a smile, reassuring him it was all right.

"I'm okay, you . . . can finish the vole. I'm not hungry at the moment." Leopardstripe meowed.

He nodded and glanced at her as the tabby she-cat exited camp. Leopardstripe slowly walked around the forest, depression taking toll on her. Her head hung down as she wondered if ending it all would help with all the complicating things in her life.

She arrived at Sunningrocks and lazily lifted her head. A small spark of darkness flickered in her dull green eyes. Leopardstripe took a small step into the cold, gushing water. She took another step and another until she was belly-deep.

"I can end it now." Leopardstripe croaked.

A small tear crept through her eye as she gazed down at the water. The pale gray tabby took another step and felt water surround her head as she slipped. Leopardstripe didn't fight back, she let the cold, dark blue waves sink her down. A small smile appeared on her face. Finally, all my worries can disappear. Rainwhisker . . . remember that I love you.

Water entered her nose and mouth. Her lungs fought for air, but she didn't try to get to the surface. Everything was quiet and calm. Darkness covered her vision as her lungs gave up on air.


Hey guys!!!!!

Sorry I haven't been updating in a long time. Family issues happened. Hope you guys like this chapter, sorry it's short. Hopefully I can update faster

Till next time . . .

My StarClan light your path! :)

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